hackforla / CivicTechJobs

CivicTechJobs will be a platform to help prospective volunteers find interdisciplinary projects that will be useful for their career development while contributing to positive civic impact, and also a CMS (Content Mgmt System) for Hack for LA projects to be able to list their open roles.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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CTJ: Leads Agenda #476

Open kcoronel opened 1 year ago

kcoronel commented 1 year ago


Meeting Agendas for Leads/PM meetings

Action Items

To create a new agenda


The prework should be done before the meeting so that it can be discussed during the meeting. It usually takes about 5 min, if your team reaches all issues being labeled and milestones setup. During cleanup it usually takes about 30 min weekly.

Template for next meeting agenda

## [Date] Agenda and Notes

### Prework
- [ ] Check landing page [https://civictechjobs.org/]

### Roll Call

#### Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads Meeting 
 - [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
    - [ ] Review assignments for each PM
       - [ ] [Karen](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/kcoronel) - Co-PM
       - [ ] [Nooria](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/nooriaali9) - Co-PM
       - [ ] [Lu](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/fenglugithub) - UX/UI Design Lead   
       - [ ] [Terence](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/LoTerence) - Dev Lead
       - [ ] [Xiaotian Vivian Li](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/xxl228) - UXR Lead
- [ ] continue adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)

#### New Items
- [ ] 
- [ ] Make new agenda for next week
  - [ ] Carry forward the "New Items" that we did not get to look at today

#### FYIs

#### Notes from meeting

#### Items for next week's agenda

Team Leads Meeting

2022-03-14 2023-04-03 2023-09-05

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

2023-07-11 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Sunday meeting

New Items



Notes from meeting

Design Team Updates:

Dev Team Updates:

How is team using G-drive UXR archives previous studies done as well as presentations and findings; Sabrina will connect with UXR team to how to best schedule of renaming/move

Decided to keep December Leads meeting on the calendar for now

Items for next week's agenda

kcoronel commented 10 months ago

2024-23-01 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads meeting

New Items


Notes from meeting

Items for next week's agenda

kchotani commented 10 months ago

2024-23-01 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads Meeting

New Items


Notes from meeting

Kanika and Karen to reach out to Alex on Slack letting him know we are offboarding him, ask him to write a closing comment on his assigned issue.

Dev Team

High sketch overview of architecture as a whole (how front-end meets back-end)

Design Team Will recruit for at least 3 new members for the team. Lu will work on organizing Figma designs.

Items for next week's agenda

kcoronel commented 9 months ago

2024-05-03 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads Meeting

New Items




Notes from meeting



Items for next week's agenda

kcoronel commented 8 months ago

April 2, 2024 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads Meeting

New Items


Notes from meeting

Question about user flow - Kanika walked through Figma design with Lu and Karen

Log In leads to login page Join Us will lead to Sign Up page Click on Projects on the Landing Page goes to Search Page Sign Up leads you through Qualifier Pages

Step 3: Availability time Step 4: Project page There is a button for joining onboarding but may switch to have it be "contact x person" similar to GitHub

User is on landing page > Join Us Button > How to Join Page (need to confirm steps), in Step 2 putting in a hyperlink or something giving user instructions to take action to Log In [Lu agreed and left comment in Figma]

Search Page: What is CTA for this page? How does a user get to this page? Can use filters to get a limited view of open roles Don't have a seperate search page

Qualifier (3 steps) > Search results page

Change availability - currently ideations for this

Qualifier Page: This has the Skills Matrix and will be the flow users who sign up for accounts take on their journey

Search results only after matrix -- not giving anyone an option to search for roles or projects before they log in. Can click on Projects and can see projects with limited info.

Users who don't sign in - value in showing them roles, what are you interested in (CoP) - show top 3 roles, more please sign in. Can select more than one CoP.

Add a pop up if the user who is signed in has 0 results show them a page to get emailed

If 0 results for a user who is not signed in - please sign in for available alert

Dev questions: Any difficulties to land on Qualifier as Home Page for returning users At what point in the Qualifier Page flow will users be able to Save

Items for next week's agenda

kcoronel commented 7 months ago

May 7, 2024 Agenda and Notes

Pre Work

Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads Meeting

New Items


Notes from meeting

Question for Jimmy: At what point in the Qualifier Page flow will users be able to Save Jimmy: we can store in cookies and save, but would have to include an opt out functionality - because in CA we need to give users the option to opt out

Question for Jimmy: Any difficulties to land on Search Results page for returning users? Jimmy: Yes, this is possible

Lu give updates to user flow (in Figma) not finalized:

Q: Any idea for when user flow will be done? Lu: currently the Design team is prioritizing finalizing designs for Search Page.

Jimmy: I want to confirm that we are updating Designs even though a lot of work has been done on the front end. Karen: Yes, we want to ensure a seamless process for users.

Jimmy: For login, we were thinking we could use GitHub as a login for user side. For CMS - we can do GitHub or choose to do an email login. Question for Bonnie: People Depot what are they doing with login

Priorities for May





Items for next week's agenda

kcoronel commented 6 months ago

June 4, 2024 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads Meeting

New Items

Lu: Figma has limitations, some of the features can't test Error message testing - can't simulate this message

Right now have design - frame more refinement

Front end - give them something new

2 Front End

Questions for Dev: What’s the first thing that will have to be true to have a dev site in incubator - url live demo environment -- on the internet (with functionality)


Notes from meeting

Items for next week's agenda

nooriaali9 commented 4 months ago

[September 3, 2024] Agenda and Notes

Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads Meeting

New Items


Notes from meeting

Items for next week's agenda

kcoronel commented 2 months ago

October 1, 2024 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads Meeting

New Items


Notes from meeting

Terence Goals for team:

For user flow: share general feedback Onboard new 2 designers Carmen has gotten busy, its just Lu Lu will create 2 new issues for designers

Vivian - no bites for recruitment message want one more person we will use the folks we onboard Vivian - template deck that project is supposed to use


Items for next week's agenda

kcoronel commented 4 weeks ago

11/5/24 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the Monthly Leads Meeting

New Items


Notes from meeting

Lu: Starting to work on cleaning Archives and Design Systems - need more efficient workflow in Figma. Created two issues, will have Carmen and Rishi themselves assign themselves on Friday. Still waiting on feedback from usability testing to update MVP Flow.

Following usability testing findings update current designs and will use updated designs for Dev Skill Matrix testing - everything is fine will be able to handoff to Dev team. Skills Matrix handoff -- TBD wants to check in with Vivian to know how much findings will affect Designs.

Q for Terence - Design Usability testing prototype -- share with Terence after designs finalized (if possible) With Devs will be testing new Design (updates from previous testing) -- If a lot of changes needed 1-month - 2- months

Design will work on Mobile Designs after Skills Matrix is done. Will prioritize desktop.

Terence: Currently a lot of work in code base before Design.

Items for next week's agenda