hackforla / CivicTechJobs

CivicTechJobs will be a platform to help prospective volunteers find interdisciplinary projects that will be useful for their career development while contributing to positive civic impact, and also a CMS (Content Mgmt System) for Hack for LA projects to be able to list their open roles.
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CTJ Onboarding Questions and Comments [Rishi Raghu - UI/UX Researcher] #555

Open kcoronel opened 3 weeks ago

kcoronel commented 3 weeks ago


This issue has been created for our new UI/UX Researcher to give us comments and suggestions related to our current project onboarding project.

Action Items


rishi222k commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @kcoronel!

I’ve reviewed all the documents listed above and have a few clarifying questions:

kcoronel commented 1 week ago

@rishi222k apologies for my delay in this 🫣 responses to your questions below

Thank you!!

rishi222k commented 6 days ago

@kcoronel Thanks for the clarification and getting back! Here's my feedback:

GitHub Readme

Intro Para 1

The website's main features include a linklist to public interest job boards and other resources relevent to their focused journey to work on projects and solve problems with a public benefit.

Intro Para 2

The CivicTechJobs.org MVP site will be a platform to help prospective volunteers find inter disciplinary projects that will be useful for their career development while contributing to positive civic impact and a CMS for Hack for LA projects to be able to list their open roles.

Typo fix: "interdisciplinary"

Intro Para 3

Future iterations of the platform will focus helping volunteers find volunteer opportunities that match paid job postings, so that a volunteer can better prepare themselves for the marketplace.

Typo fix: "focus on helping"

Technology used section > Collaboration Technologies

Point 1 : GitHub project board link inactive(404 page): https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/projects/1

Mk Docs - Project Documentation

Home Page > Hasn't it been done already?

Read more about what lead up to us developing this project, at our History page.

Link inactive(404): https://hackforla.github.io/CivicTechJobs/History (Though link to history page is active on Docs/Misc/History: https://hackforla.github.io/CivicTechJobs/misc/history/)

Project Board Link Inactive links(404): https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/projects/1 Page locations: Nav Menu>Joining the Team (Content Writer, Data Scientist, Project Manager, UI/UX Designer, Web Developer, Other Volunteer)

Nav Menu> Joining the Team > Project Manager

Nav Menu> Joining the Team > UI/UX Designer

Nav Menu> Joining the Team > UX Researcher

Nav Menu> Joining the Team > Web Developer

Starting Checklist

Other Questions

I was going through the one-sheet and had a couple of questions:

CTJ one sheet para 2

Second, it will help the organization's efforts of being an inclusive and self-sustaining organization for anyone who chooses to volunteer for one day to years.

I’m curious about what "inclusion" refers to in this context. I did come across the web accessibility standards while going through the docs, but was wondering if this also includes any accessibility and DEI goals?

Would love to know more if it does

CTJ one sheet para 2

Future iterations of the platform will focus on helping volunteers find volunteer opportunities that match paid job postings, so that a volunteer can better prepare themselves for the marketplace.

I’m not sure I fully understand what "matching to paid job postings" means. Could you share more about what this looks like, how it works, and how it differs from our regular project postings on the CTJ website?