hackforla / CivicTechJobs

CivicTechJobs will be a platform to help prospective volunteers find interdisciplinary projects that will be useful for their career development while contributing to positive civic impact, and also a CMS (Content Mgmt System) for Hack for LA projects to be able to list their open roles.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Google Analytics #94

Open sharadgaurav7 opened 2 years ago

sharadgaurav7 commented 2 years ago



As a product manager, I should be able to collect and analyze insights into users' behaviors, and collect user data in real time so that I can understand how to make the product work better and efficiently.

Action Items


CTJ metrics Article on measuring the user experience

sdimran commented 2 years ago

@Aveline-art the google analytics issue that @sharadgaurav7 is working on.

hkimsummer commented 2 years ago

Here are some ideas for engagement metrics. We should discuss as a team.

- Overall traffic: How many people are visiting CTJ? How does it compare to hackforla.org? - Bounce rate (users who visit only one page of a website before leaving): May indicate technical problems like broken links, or the content not being engaging enough - Average time spent on page: May indicate how interested users are in our content - Conversions: Track whether users successfully complete onboarding or team match (need to discuss) - Site search data: What keywords people use to get to our site—which search terms lead to high engagement (measured by time after search, exit rates).

stephaniestahlberg commented 2 years ago

Thanks, Summer! Here is the spreadsheet that Sharad started putting together during our last metrics meeting.

The frameworks in this article can help guide our discussions. It covers the PULSE and HEART metrics frameworks and a proposed approach of first defining product goals -> signals -> metrics.