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Notify VRMS of Climate Collabathon Meeting Times #4

Closed angle-zhang closed 2 years ago

angle-zhang commented 3 years ago


VRMS (Volunteer Relationship Management System) needs to know details of weekly team meetings

Action Items


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@PLoiya will follow up with David Rubinstein in the #vrms channel to ask him if our project needs to be on the website before we can get our meeting times on vrms.

PLoiya commented 2 years ago

Dropped a note to David in the slack/VRMS channel. Awaiting for the response.

drubgrubby commented 2 years ago

@PLoiya -> You do not have to be on the website to have your meeting times on VRMS.

Just go to https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/new/choose and create a new ticket to add/edit meeting time. In that ticket, you can also let me know information about the project so I can set it up in the database.

Let me know as much of this information as you have, and I'll set you up in the database and add the meeting times.


It doesn't have to be complete, all we really need is the project name to get the meeting times up and running, but if we add the information now you won't have to do it later.

PLoiya commented 2 years ago

As advised by David, the issue is created - https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/658 on the same.

PLoiya commented 2 years ago

Verified on the hackforla.org website, all looks good so closing the issue.