hackforla / GreenEarthOS

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Team recruitment #47

Open sayalikotkar opened 3 years ago

sayalikotkar commented 3 years ago



We need volunteer(s) to work on the open issues we have so that we can move the project forward.

Action Items

Creating a new role post

Marketing the new role post

Once Filled


sayalikotkar commented 3 years ago


New roles needed:

  1. Competitive events
  1. Climate Projects

-Develop training for interviews -Coordinate all UX researchers -Train the researchers (to do interviews)

Check with Evon which of these she's interested in. Recruit for everything else.

  1. Research on organizations in the funding ecosystem

Jason can start with this. He can recruit someone to help him & train them how to do it.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago


Project is broken down into three sections

  1. competitive events

    1. research - BA
    2. publication of competitive events with methodology for crowdsourcing updates
      1. Creation of WIKI or other MVP presentation of information - UX/UI, BA, Product
      2. Create lofi wireframes that fit into branding - UI/UX
        1. review with team, iterate UX
        2. produce hi fi wireframes - UI/UX
          1. Develop website - UI/UX
  2. Climate projects

    1. compile list of climate projects BA, UX
    2. Create research guide - UX Program Designer
    3. Train researchers - UX team Lead
    4. interview climate projects - UXR
    5. publication of climate projects list (with permission and select details) - UX
      1. Creation of WIKI or other MVP presentation of information - UX, BA, Product
      2. Create lofi wireframes that fit into branding
        1. review with team, iterate
        2. produce hi fi wireframes
    6. publication of the climate project research
      1. Creation of WIKI or other MVP presentation of information
      2. Create lofi wireframes that fit into branding
        1. review with team, iterate
        2. produce hi fi wireframes
      3. Develop website
  3. Ecosystem mapping and Guide

    1. compile list of players in the ecosystem
    2. interview players
    3. publication of players list (with permission and select details)
      1. Creation of WIKI or other MVP presentation of information
      2. Create lofi wireframes that fit into branding
        1. review with team, iterate
        2. produce hi fi wireframes
    4. publication of the player research
      1. Creation of WIKI or other MVP presentation of information
      2. Create lofi wireframes that fit into branding
        1. review with team, iterate
        2. produce hi fi wireframes
      3. Develop website
    5. Make guide
      1. Creation of WIKI or other MVP presentation of information
      2. Create lofi wireframes that fit into branding
        1. review with team, iterate
        2. produce hi fi wireframes
      3. Develop website
sayalikotkar commented 3 years ago

Roles posted:

  1. UI designer - Competitive events
  2. UX Researcher - Ecosystem players
  3. UX Program Design Manager - Projects
  4. Product Manager (filled)
sayalikotkar commented 3 years ago


New roles needed:

Branding UI Designer 1

Competitive events -UI designer 1 -UX researcher 1

Climate projects: -UI designer 1 -UX Program Design Manager - Evon -UX Researcher - patrick -Product Manager - Puneet

Ecosytem Mapping -UI designer 1 -UX Program Design Manager - Jason -UX researcher - 1 -Product Manager - 1

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 weeks ago

Post from the Ice Box column of the Data Science Open Roles Board

copy code ``` **Project Name**: GreenEarthOS **BLOCKED PENDING DATASET DELIVERY** **Volunteer Opportunity**: We need to produce the analytics for the a past event - the climate collabathon done in November 2020. See issue below for more details. **Duration**: 3-4 weeks **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#greenearthos-climate](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/C01C2P7D413) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Sayali [Read more about the project](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mVxXVz2sTPyzJ9LjeJXq2rv2Pstc9vffh5wftIusAMo/edit) **Volunteer:** **Previous Volunteers:** @Marie Li **Issue** https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/27 ```
Viewable code **Project Name**: GreenEarthOS **BLOCKED PENDING DATASET DELIVERY** **Volunteer Opportunity**: We need to produce the analytics for the a past event - the climate collabathon done in November 2020. See issue below for more details. **Duration**: 3-4 weeks **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#greenearthos-climate](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/C01C2P7D413) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Sayali [Read more about the project](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mVxXVz2sTPyzJ9LjeJXq2rv2Pstc9vffh5wftIusAMo/edit) **Volunteer:** **Previous Volunteers:** @Marie Li **Issue** https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/27