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Save climate collabathon data #53

Closed sayalikotkar closed 3 years ago

sayalikotkar commented 3 years ago


Save all data/information/resources related to the open climate collabathon in this issue

Action Items


sayalikotkar commented 3 years ago

The following content came from the old version of our wiki when this project was solely focused on the climate collabathon:

Project title and description

The Open Climate Collabathon is a form of collabathon–an event based on a principle of radical collaboration and crowd-development. It is an open event mobilizing a global network of Universities, civic tech groups, startups and youth to crowd-develop an integrated climate accounting platform by leveraging state-of-the-art digital technologies. Climate accounting solutions are designed to help the world track and achieve the goals of the Paris climate agreement.

Project context

Link to Collabathon Wiki Co-organizer Dashboard or view the Open Climate Collabathon White paper

How to contribute

StevenWuzz commented 3 years ago

This has been added to the project board under the climate events