hackforla / GreenEarthOS

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Create an open role for a backend developer #70

Closed samaynathani closed 2 years ago

samaynathani commented 2 years ago


We need to recruit a backend developer temporarily to help us setup mkdocs on our repo so that we can start to push our findings quickly

Action Items


role posting template engineering open developer positions board

samaynathani commented 2 years ago

Project Name: Green Earth OS Volunteer Opportunity: We're looking for a backend developer to set up mkdocs for our git repository so we can generate webpages from markdown files.

Duration: 1-2 hours

Who to communicate your interest to

When we meet Wednesdays 7PM PDT

What you will need in order to do the work

Read more about the project

Resources: mkDocs link

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@samaynathani I made a few edits to the posting above, please add it to the engineering open roles board.

PLoiya commented 2 years ago

Issue https://github.com/hackforla/engineering/projects/2#card-67023424 is moved to "Filled" column. Closing this item as we have Jason in the team to help us. :)