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Create C&C analysis conferences listing sites #88

Open ssweta opened 2 years ago

ssweta commented 2 years ago


Need competitive & comparative analysis for climate conferences

Action Items


Google drive folder for climate conference info Sample C&C Analysis template Updated C&C Analysis as of 12/15/21 GreenEarthOS C&C

miolow commented 2 years ago

Updated spreadsheet on climate events. See here.

miolow commented 2 years ago

Further updated C&C for events by creating a separate section and also by looking at events listing outside of environmental organizations, see spreadsheet.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@miolow it looks like you are done with the research. We didn't add a task to synthesize it, but it does it need to be done. Do you want to work on that, do you know how to do it? Please let us know, so we can move this on to the next step.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@miolow bumping this back into your inbox

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 7 days ago @miolow it looks like you are done with the research. We didn't add a task to synthesize it, but it does it need to be done. Do you want to work on that, do you know how to do it? Please let us know, so we can move this on to the next step.

miolow commented 2 years ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty I can definitely help with the synthesis. Please let me know in more details what you are looking for. I'll get right to it.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Next steps are to

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@miolow Hi... sorry, I think I was not clear on what we needed... can you do the synthesis on the new sheet that I have made called "C&C on event sites" inside the Competitive or Comparative Analysis Template

miolow commented 2 years ago

Completed! It can be found here - Competitive or Comparative Analysis Template.

miolow commented 2 years ago

Next steps:

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@miolow I can't remember if you made a slide to present the findings from the C&C. I can see the findings that we reviewed in spreadsheet. It would be good to close out this issue by making a nice presentation (could be one slide, etc.) out of it. Let's talk about it next time you are at a meeting.


rpradheap commented 2 years ago

completed in march,2022

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@miolow Did you decide not to make a slide or slides about the findings? https://github.com/hackforla/GreenEarthOS/issues/88 Here is an example of another project that has made a deck about their c&c findings, but it does not have to be this detailed