hackforla / HomeUniteUs

We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
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List of data needed for HUU/Coordinator/Local Provider/PSY Dashboards #259

Closed abbyhipp closed 2 years ago

abbyhipp commented 3 years ago


We need to decide what information will be placed on the various dashboards before we begin designing the UI

Action Items

List out all potential data needed for the Coordinator, Local Provider and PSY Dashboard along with what information HUU needs to improve the application in the future

How each member uses the data/dashboard Coordinator: To keep track of workflow

Local Provider: Funding/Marketing To understand where Coordinators need help or additional resources

PSY (National Provider): Funding/Marketing Mentoring of various Local Providers

HUU: To make out application better over time Funding


Please write down any ideas you have about what data we may want to show on the various dashboards in the comments below. We will consolidate all these items after everyone has written down their comments. Everything has been added to the attached excel sheet

KarlenS commented 3 years ago

Demographic data (age, gender, race, ethnicity, etc.) might be potentially useful for local providers to identify if there are any subgroups that are disproportionally successful/unsuccessful in the program. Can use this for targeted improvements to their onboarding process or hunt down any existing biases in the program.

juliaa423 commented 3 years ago

Coordinator dashboard

Local provider:


abbyhipp commented 3 years ago

From Calendaring: Successful and not Successful meeting types

abbyhipp commented 3 years ago

Geographical data of hosts houses so LP and PSY know where to market it, people that drop off the program and when, length of time for guest to match with a host and when/if guests leave the program, length of time from matching with host to being housed and when/if guests leave the program, progress bar with estimated amount of time(?), progress bar,

abbyhipp commented 3 years ago

This has been shifted to the Icebox to be reviewed again on 3/20/2021. We will continue to update this ticket as we learn more about the various data we will need.

kpoints commented 2 years ago

Merging these action items with #329 as they overlap user stories for dashboard.