We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
As an Admin Coordinator, I want to see all profiles of guests, hosts, and coordinators so that I can keep track of who are in the system.
As an Admin Coordinator, I want to see all matches so that I know which guests are matched with which hosts and who are still not matched.
As an Admin Coordinator, I want to see which coordinators are assigned to which matches so that I can keep track of those matches.
As an Admin Coordinator, I want to see the number of matches that are unassigned a coordinator so that I can assign someone to help them.
As an Admin Coordinator, I want to see the overview stats (total number of guests, total number of hosts, total number of coordinators, and total number of matches)
As an Admin Coordinator, I want to be able to add coordinators to the system so that they can start working.
As an Admin Coordinator, I want to be able to assign matches to coordinators so that they know who they are responsible for.
As an Admin Coordinator, I want to be able to assign guests to hosts if the guest is unassigned for x days so that every guest has a match.
As an Admin Coordinator, I want to be able to remove guests, hosts, and coordinators who no longer needs/ are allowed access so that I can keep the platform accessed by the relevant ones.
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