hackforla / HomeUniteUs

We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Section 2 - Host Application Form #509

Open pardhama opened 1 year ago

pardhama commented 1 year ago

The Problem:

Currently, Hosts have no means to provide information about themselves and their homes to the homeless helping organization online. Currently, the Host lack an automated way to share information about themselves and their homes to the organization or the coordinator.

User Story:

As a Host, I should be able to see the questions in the application form and fill it to the best of my knowledge for the matching process As a Host, I should be able to see the questions in the Profile (formerly application form) and fill it to the best of my knowledge for the matching process.

High-Level Approach:

Application form page with multiple questions and a place to enter the answers to those questions. The page should also contain options like save and have the ability to move to any section of the application. Profile (formerly application form) page with multiple questions and a repository to enter the answers. The page should include the ability to save the progress made and to navigate to any profile section.

Additional note: Host will see all communication in their process as "Profile", but we will internally refer to the form that the Host fill out as "Intake Profile" in future stories to distinguish this from the "Matching Profile" that gets generated once the "Intake Profile" is approved. In this user story, "Profile" and "Intake Profile" are synonymous.

Solution Alignment


Anticipate that users will be using desktop, tablet, mobile devices --> use responsive design In the future, the plan is for the host onboarding experience for multiple organizations (SPY and beyond), where different organizations might want to modify the application form needed for a Hosts.

Goals & Success

Success is if a host can successfully complete the application form and edit it based on the comments received by the coordinator. The host can successfully access, navigate and view the high-level task groups steps, action items and status on the dashboard in one centralized area.


Number of applications completed vs the number of applications started. Average time taken to complete each application

Key Features:

Acceptance Criteria:

Host application form:

Host application form Link


Team Reviews:

baipai commented 7 months ago

I am trying to figure out how users can navigate from the dashboard to the application and how they can return to the dashboard if they choose to. What was the original plan? I asked Ed about this last week but still want to double-check.

And when I review the user story, where or how does the coordinator leave comments about their application? I couldn't find it in the guest section. What's the plan for this?

cc: @sanya301 @edela0015 @rpradheap

baipai commented 5 months ago

Note: As the guest part is still being worked on, the host part will continue until things are somewhat finalized.