hackforla / HomeUniteUs

We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Section 3 | Automatic List of Potential Host #604

Open jasika-ai opened 1 year ago

jasika-ai commented 1 year ago

The Problem

Guests do not currently have a way to look at an automatic list of potential Hosts who match their criteria.

User Story:

As a Guest, I should be able to see a list of potential Hosts who match my criteria and needs so that I can select one Host with the coordinator and begin the matching process.

High-Level Approach

Once the Guest has completed the orientation training, they have a list of potential Hosts on their dashboard so that they can select one Host profile to enter the match-making process with their coordinator.

Solution Alignment


Some fine-tuning of the algorithm may be necessary based on real-world usage.

Goals and Success

Guests can successfully determine the Host they want to select and share with the coordinator to begin the matching process. Optimize coordinator time allocation for support rather than manual matching. Enhance the experience for the Guest by providing personalized potential matches.

Key Features

Define criteria for matching based on the Yes/No questions under the General Information Category Page 7 Guest Application For example: Language Proficiency (Bilingual/Multilingual) Smoking Habits (Smoker/Non-Smoker) Drinking Habits (Drinker/Non-Drinker) Substance Use (User/Non-User) Mental Illness (Sufferer/Non-Sufferer) Pets Additional adults/kids accompanying guest to the host home Matching Algo. The excel attached here outlines different scenarios for match/no match

Acceptance Criteria

The automated matching solution takes as input the answers to the YES/NO questions filled by the Guest and the Host during the onboarding and generates a list of potential Host for the Guest based on their criteria.

Known Limitations

The solution's success for each Guest would be based on the quality and completeness of guest and host application data.



Key Decisions

Team Reviews:

Product - Jasika Design - Engineering -

lola3736 commented 2 months ago

@jasika-ai , I added the following label, please review for accuracy: