hackforla / HomeUniteUs

We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Automate database migrations on EC2 instance's Postgres server #607

Open paulespinosa opened 11 months ago

paulespinosa commented 11 months ago



Although the API has alembic, a SQLAlchemy database migration tool, as one of its dependencies, its use has not yet been implemented for API deployments. In fact, a solution to database migrations has yet to exist outside of a developer's environment. At present, there is a placeholder in the build-deploy-ec2.yml workflow to run database migrations on the EC2 instance's PostgreSQL server. Without database migrations, future database developments could break when new API changes are deployed.

A database migration is a necessary step in the API deployment to allow existing data to continue to be available in an updated database schema. For example, say the user table contains existing data and a new version of the API creates new tables guest, coordinator, and host tables. These new tables will need to be populated with IDs of existing users. This is where an alembic migration script comes into play. When the new version of the API is developed, an alembic migration script should also be included to populate the new tables with existing data. During API deployment, the alembic database migration tool ought to be used to run the migration script to update the existing database so that the new version of the API can continue to use the existing data correctly.

Bear in mind that, although, the HUU project will be deployed to containerized deployments with dedicated database servers in the future (known as the incubator environment), there is still value in implementing migrations on the existing EC2 instance. Fundamental database migration techniques will be learned and tried. This can help pave the way to towards deploying in the incubator environment.

This issue will use knowledge about SQLAlchemy, alembic, GitHub workflows, and Linux system administration.

Action Items


Share what you learn; it'll help future deployment implementations.

To access the EC2 instance, create SSH key pair, contact Tyler or Paul with your public to be able to login to the EC2 instance.

https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/ build-deploy-ec2.yml

tylerthome commented 3 months ago

Recommend moving to ice box until Incubator integration established, the parameters for this solution will hinge on implementation details coordinated with ops/incubator admins