hackforla / HomeUniteUs

We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
GNU General Public License v2.0
36 stars 21 forks source link

Section 2 | Guest/Host Sign up page Acknowledgements #611

Open sanya301 opened 8 months ago

sanya301 commented 8 months ago

Problem Alignment

The Problem

Guests/Hosts currently do not have a way to virtually sign their application form before submitting

User Story:

As a Guest/Host, I should be able to virtually sign my application before submitting it for review to the Co-ordinator.

High Level Approach

Electronic signature at the final page of the application.

Solution Alignment

Goals and Success

Success is if guest/hosts can successfully virtually sign their application before each submission.

Key Features

Acceptance Criteria

Legal references

Known Limitations



Key Decisions

Team Reviews:

paulespinosa commented 8 months ago

What are the legal requirements (type, storage, protection) for signatures on the Guest/Host applications? Will the legal requirements change based on the location of service provider, guest, host, or where HUU is deployed? Who can access the stored signatures?

paulespinosa commented 8 months ago

An example of apartment rental form with e-signature: https://app.leasing-apps.com/

sanya301 commented 8 months ago

@paulespinosa Did an initial search and thi page has some details on storage and protection requirements, but I will have to delve deeper into this https://blog.waiverforever.com/electronic-signatures-legally-binding

In terms of access, the HUU organization and the person who signed it should both be able to access it.