hackforla / HomeUniteUs

We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
GNU General Public License v2.0
36 stars 21 forks source link

Section 3 | Host Profile #617

Open jasika-ai opened 8 months ago

jasika-ai commented 8 months ago

The Problem:

Currently, Guests lack a method to gather more information about the hosts who have meet their matching criteria and appear in the automatic list of potential hosts.

User Story:

As a Guest, I want to view the profile of the Hosts and have the option to favorite a potential host so that my coordinator can start my matching process with them.

High-Level Approach:

Host profile page with a place to fill out information guests can share with hosts. The page should also contain options like edit and save.

Solution Alignment


Goals & Success

Success is if a Host can successfully complete their Profile, with the permission to edit and submit it.


Number of profiles completed vs the number of profiles started. Average time taken to complete each profile

Key Features:

Acceptance Criteria:

Future Consideration:

Ability to add photos pending discussion with SPY and other host home programs Host profile text Link - see page 11


Team Reviews:

Product - Design - Engineering -

Open Questions:

Customer open question: should paragraph answers have a minimum character count?