hackforla / HomeUniteUs

We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Section 2 - Coordinator- Clone Application/Reopen Application of Guest #634

Closed rpradheap closed 1 month ago

rpradheap commented 7 months ago

Problem Alignment

The Problem

In case more info is required to process the application, Coordinators should be able to create a new prefilled application that Guest or host can provide more info and submit the application again.

User Story:

As a coordinator, I should be able to request more information so that the Guest or Host can resubmit the application.

High Level Approach

  1. Coordinator Changes the status of application to More info needed. This will automatically create a new prefilled application of the Guest or Host. In the backend the Status will be Application Denied- More info needed.
  2. Status of new application: Application more info needed
  3. In the guest/ Host Dashboard please replace the existing application with the duplicate application as coordinator will most probably say that the application has been reopened and to add more info in field x,y and z to get it approved.

Solution Alignment


Coordinators will be using desktop or tablet--> use responsive design

Acceptance criteria

Success is if Coordinator can successfully select the application status as Application Denied: more info needed Guest or host is able to see the new prefilled application on their dashboard page and continue the application.

Key Features




Review Existing Design

Coordinator may not be able to see applications that are yet to be submitted by Guest/Host

Team Reviews:

sanya301 commented 3 months ago

as coordinator will most probably say that the application has been reopened and to add more info in field x,y and z to get it approved.

Can we rephrase this, it is confusing? One suggestion:

Guest/host dashboard should just say more info needed with edit application. The action that the coordinator will take will be to email or call the guest/host and explain the fields that need to be edited and resubmitted for review.

sanya301 commented 3 months ago

Application Denied: more info needed

Can we distinguish between backend status and UI component. I think for UI we can just say more info needed

sanya301 commented 3 months ago

Guest/host will no longer be signing the application so can we remove that as well

rpradheap commented 1 month ago

closing this issue. Please refer to this issue for the details - https://github.com/hackforla/HomeUniteUs/issues/635