hackforla / HomeUniteUs

We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Section 2 - Coordinator Dashboard: Review Application Page #635

Open rpradheap opened 7 months ago

rpradheap commented 7 months ago

Problem Alignment

The Problem

Coordinator currently do not have the ability to review the application submitted by Guest or Host via the HUU system.

User Story:

As a coordinator, I should be able to view the application submitted by Guest or Host so I can take a decision on the application.

High Level Approach

  1. Coordinator is able to view application submitted by guest/host by clicking on the view application link from coordinator Dashboard
  2. Coordinator is able to change the application status to Approved/ Declined or More Info.
  3. Coordinator is able to write any relevant notes in the comment section before taking the decision for history purpose Notes : In case of more info needed scenario, Guest/host dashboard should just say more info needed with prefilled application. The action that the coordinator will take will be to email or call the guest/host and explain the fields that need to be edited and resubmitted for review.

Solution Alignment


Coordinators will be using desktop or tablet--> use responsive design

Goals & Success

Success if coordinator can successfully view Guest/Host Intake profile and take action to determine whether to approve, decline or ask more info.

Success is if Coordinator can successfully select the application status as More info needed which in turn creates a new prefilled application for guest/host on their dashboard page to continue the application and submit


Key Features

Acceptance criteria

-Coordinator can successfully view the application the Guest or host submitted by clicking on the Intake Profile from Coordinator Dashboard page

  1. Coordinators should be able to create a new prefilled application for Guest or host to provide more info and submit the application again.
  2. Status of new application: Application more info needed( In backend). In coordinator dashboard the status will show as More Info Needed. when the Guest/Host starts the application - Re-started and when they submit the status will be Resubmitted
  3. In the guest/ Host Dashboard please replace the existing application with the duplicate application as coordinator will most probably say that the application has been reopened and to add more info in field x,y and z to get it approved.




Coordinator may not be able to see applications that are yet to be submitted by Guest/Host

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