We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
[x] Design System - finalize styling and craft at least 5-8 UI components, not including documentation.
[ ] User Flow
[ ] For Guest+Host personas, goal is to finalize userflow + responsive web wireframe for issue #533 and #456. Note: mobile app is out of scope.
[x] For Coordinator, goal is to finalize user flow + desktop wireframe for issue #736
[ ] Determine how research integrates into the HUU development process
[ ] Start a gameplan on establishing a research function and how it can integrate into the HUU development process. Work with @lasryariel and add the process matrix.
[x] Start on Research best practice slide deck/presentation
[ ] Drafts of detailed documentation from desk research on the 3 persona profiles
Looks great to me. I'd like to add in a few things:
We'll only need to recruit 1 more UX researcher
I'm working with Priyanka to finalize design best pracice, specifically adding guidance on how to work with and user Design System. However, I'm not confident on completing this in October because she has a lot on her plate for the Coordinator design work.
For Guest+Host personas, goal is to finalize userflow + desktop (hopefully mobile as well) wireframe for issue #533 and #456
For Coordinator, goal is to finalize userflow + desktop wireframe for issue #519, #635, #731. For mobile, I haven't seen it has been touched on yet, maybe @lasryariel can verify
For Design System, goal is finalize styling and craft at least 5-8 UI components, not including documatation.
Start a gameplan on establishing a research function and how it can integrate into the HUU development process. @lasryariel I'd love to harsh it out with you and add this to the process matrix that you make.
Start on Research best practice slidedeck/presentation
Drafts of detailed documentation from desk resarch on the 3 persona profiles
October Goals
Process Improvements and Documentation
Project Plan
Project Board Clean Up and Alignment
Weekly label and board check