We're working with community non-profits who have a Host Home or empty bedrooms initiative to develop a workflow management tool to make the process scalable (across all providers), reduce institutional bias, and effectively capture data.
Transferred '/auth/invite' , '/auth/confirmInvite', '/auth/new_password' endpoints and controllers from the old flask api to the new fast api. Updated the new controllers (invite, confirm_invite, new_password) to use pydantic request/response schemas. Added cookie schema for later which can be integrated into existing controllers dependent on team decision.
Rationale behind the changes?
Invite endpoint is needed to allow coordinators to invite new users to the application. Confirm invite endpoint is needed to allow new users to sign in through their email. New_password invite is needed to enable users to update their password.
Testing done for these changes
Integration tests will need to be implemented with Moto. I am having trouble testing the auth flow via the api docs in the browser because it is reliant on AWS Cognito and requires session tokens. I plan on looking at the Moto testing docs in the interim before bringing this up in the team meeting on Tuesday.
This is related to #789
What changes did you make?
Transferred '/auth/invite' , '/auth/confirmInvite', '/auth/new_password' endpoints and controllers from the old flask api to the new fast api. Updated the new controllers (invite, confirm_invite, new_password) to use pydantic request/response schemas. Added cookie schema for later which can be integrated into existing controllers dependent on team decision.
Rationale behind the changes?
Invite endpoint is needed to allow coordinators to invite new users to the application. Confirm invite endpoint is needed to allow new users to sign in through their email. New_password invite is needed to enable users to update their password.
Testing done for these changes
Integration tests will need to be implemented with Moto. I am having trouble testing the auth flow via the api docs in the browser because it is reliant on AWS Cognito and requires session tokens. I plan on looking at the Moto testing docs in the interim before bringing this up in the team meeting on Tuesday.