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User Experiences of Onboarding members at HfLA : February - March 2023 #420

Closed Aparna1Gopal closed 1 year ago

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago


The goal of this project is to identify onboarding experiences for the newest members at Hack for LA.

Action Items


Resources for creating this issue

1.01 Wiki Template: Mentor Research Output Overview 1.02 Wiki Template: Intern Research Output Overview 1.03 Google Form Template: Internship Project Upload Recordings

Resources gathered during the completion of this issue

2.01 Google Drive Folder: HfLA Onboarding Experience 2.02 Google Doc: Research Plan 2.03 Google Sheet: Hack for LA Onboarding Survey (Responses) 2.04 Google Doc: Consent Document 2.05 Google Form: Consent Form 2.06 Google Doc: Interview Guide 2.07 Google Sheet: Interview Note-Taking 2.08 Google Form: Upload Recordings

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago


Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Notes Sack messages with UXRs interested in this project

Hi & Thank you for your interest again! We have drafted the GitHub Issue & are working to fine-tune it before we assign you. In the meantime, please review the TWE project. They have great best practices/templates in place for this kind of research. This Onboarding project you will be working on, is pretty bite-sized compared to TWE’s project. But the templates & processes will be of great help! So, feel free to look around & familiarize yourself with these docs. I am also reaching out to the Leads of TWE & requesting them to add you to their drive. Mentor Research Overview & Intern Research Overview are good places to start! Specifically look into the Research Plans & Consent Forms As always, let us know if you have any further questions. Happy to help!

To TWE Leads Aparna G Hi , I am one of the Co-Leads for the UI/UX Community of Practice. We are looking to conduct some UX Research during the next Onboarding. Could you please give [atJordan Turner] [atL Leah Ellis] [at Inbal Regev Lavy] [at Evan Stalker (he/him)] [at Kevin] permissions to access the Internship google drive? Such that they can get familiarized with the best practices/templates at TWE & replicate the same for their Onboarding project. Many thanks!

Ying O Hi Aparna, are you referring to TWE team member’s onboarding? If so, we basically use github’s Wiki for onboarding. What templates on Google drive are you referring to?

Hi [at Ying O] Thank you for your message! The UXRs are conducting user interviews at the next Hack for LA Onboarding on Feb 28. For the purpose of creating Research Plans & Consent Forms we have decided to replicate the best practices of the TWE Project. Giving read/view access to the Internship folder will suffice. The UXRs can familiarise themselves with the TWE processes & replicate the same in the Onboarding Project. We are specifically looking at the details under Mentor Research Overview & Intern Research Overview. I am also looping you into the GitHub Issue. This should give you an idea about the Onboarding Project. Please let us know if you have any further questions/clarifications. Many thanks! CC: [at Jennifer Nguyen] at Sara Brady] [at Julia Gab]

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Notes Slack message on the UI/UX Channel [at Jordan Turner] [at Leah Ellis] [at Inbal Regev Lavy] [at Kevin] [at Evan Stalker (he/him)] Hi! We are planning to conduct a meeting on Feb 23 (Thursday, 5-7PM PST). This will give us the opportunity to workshop all the documentation & materials required for your ‘UXR Onboarding Project’. Please send us your email IDs & I will add you to the MS Teams Invite.

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago


Qualitative DATA Analysis Resources To be used prior to data analysis workshops, prep work

User-Experience Research Methods

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Meeting/Workshop on Feb 23,2023 - UI/UX Co-Leads & UXRs

Agenda ReOps & Research Management support provided by UI/UX CoP Co-Leads UI/UX CoP Co-Leads conducting this meeting/workshop: Aparna G & Jennifer N

Next Week

Pair 2 UXRs – Interviewer & notetaker (on Feb 27) Slide Deck for presentation (Aim for UXR findings to be presented on March 8,2023 during UI/UX CoP)

Proposed Timeline

Feb 23 (Thur) – 2 hours: Meeting to workshop & delegate all required tasks Feb 24 (Friday) – 1 hour: Complete the Research Plans, Consent Forms, Feb 25 (Saturday) - Send Issue to Bonnie using Reach Bonnie Form Feb 27 (Monday): 2 hours : Workshop & training for UXRs to conduct user interviews Review & revise based on Bonnie’s feedback using ‘Reach Bonnie’ form Pilot test the Interview Guide Feb 28 (Tuesday): Conduct User Interviews during Onboarding March 2 & March 6: To workshop the Research findings March 8: Presentation of Research Findings & Insights, feedback from UI/UX CoP & Bonnie

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Meeting Notes Meeting/Workshop on Feb 23,2023 - UI/UX Co-Leads & UXRs 5PM-7PM PST

UXR Leads on the project Kevin M Inbar L @InbalRL (UXR Leads assigned to this issue)

UXRs Team Jordan T @jordan-a-turner Leah E @Leah0996 Inbal L @InbalRL Evan S @ejstalker Kevin M gulsum @ugkorkmaz

Slack messages to admin

Hi Admin! [at Kevin] does not seem to have access to the UI/UX CoP Google Drive and GitHub. Kevin was onboarded in September 2022 & is currently working on the 'UXR Onboarding Project'. Could you please give Kevin access to this drive. Many thanks! Email ID: kevin.moutoucarpin@gmail.com, GitHub Handle: @kevinmoutoucarpin

Hi Admin, Could you please provide the following members Co-host/Panelist access at the next Onboarding on Feb 28 (email IDs in this thread). They are UX Researchers working on the ‘Onboarding project’ & will be conducting user interviews with new onboarding members. These user interviews will be taking place in break-out rooms. Even though we have UXRs & note-takers, the team is interested in the Zoom transcription to back-up their note-taking. Providing them with Co-host/Panelist access will enable them to record/transcribe the interviews in real-time & help with their data collection & analysis. Many thanks! CC: [at Jennifer Nguyen] [at Kevin] [at Inbal Regev Lavy]

Also, what would be the best way to lock access to this folder within the UI/UX CoP Drive? UX Researchers are interviewing participants next week & we would like to make sure all the user interviews are locked/or password protected to maintain privacy. And only provide access to the UXRs working on this project. What do you suggest? Thank You! CC: [at Jennifer Nguyen] [at Kevin] [at Inbal Regev Lavy]

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Meeting Notes Meeting/Workshop on Feb 24,2023 - UI/UX Co-Leads & UXRs 6-7:30 PM PST

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Meeting/Workshop on Feb 27,2023 - UI/UX Co-Leads & UXRs ReOps & Research Management support provided by UI/UX CoP Co-Leads: Aparna G, Jennifer N, Julia G UXR Leads conducting this meeting/workshop: Inbar L & Kevin M


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

@Aparna1Gopal @InbalRL I just lightly reviewed this document: Research Plan. It seems like it has a lot of unresolved strikeouts and comments. I can review a final draft if you get it done today, otherwise I don't see this research happening next week. I can't look at it past today because of other time commitments. Please submit a new request via the reach Bonnie form

ejstalker commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reviewing, Bonnie. Sorry for any miscommunication, our target for having the document ready for you was actually 12pm PST today. We're on track to meet that deadline and would appreciate you taking a look after that if you can, thanks!

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty A new request via the Reach Bonnie form has been submitted. Thank you!

@ejstalker Thanks for clarifying!

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Meeting/Workshop on Feb 27,2023 - UI/UX Co-Leads & UXRs 5:30-8PM PST ReOps & Research Management support provided by UI/UX CoP Co-Leads: Aparna G, Jennifer N, Julia G UXR Leads: Inbar L & Kevin M


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

folder with recording 2023-02-28

kevinmoutoucarpin commented 1 year ago

Meeting/Workshop on March 3,2023 - UI/UX Co-Leads & UXRs ReOps & Research Management support provided by UI/UX CoP Co-Leads: Aparna G, Jennifer N, Julia G UXR Leads conducting this meeting/workshop: Inbar L & Kevin M


kevinmoutoucarpin commented 1 year ago

Meeting Notes Meeting/Workshop on March 3,2023 - UI/UX Co-Leads & UXRs 5:30-7:30 PM PST

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

Hi @InbalRL thank you for using the Reach Bonnie form. It is unclear what documents you need Bonnie to review. Can you please write to Bonnie in a new comment and link the documents she needs to review. Please note that she will be in a car reading this on mobile. I pasted an example below:

Here are the new documents that we need you to review:

You can also briefly explain the changes within the comment. Let me know if you have any questions.

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago


Managerial access has been provided to UXR Leads on this project, UXRs on this project, UI/UX CoP Co-Leads. This level of access enables UXRs to move files from the locked to unlocked Google Drives (as per PII requirements) UI/UX - Interviews - (CoP) Google Drive

Next steps :

  1. Figure out the project’s overall timeline, because some of our team members are already assigned to other HfLA projects and will not be available long-term.
  2. Generate questions for the meeting with Bonnie about the project’s purpose, goals, and scope. Then fill out a reach Bonnie form.
  3. All team members please familiarize yourself with Wiki’s setup, by the next meeting on Friday, March 17.
  4. Our meeting in two weeks will take place on Thursday, March 23rd instead of Friday, March 24th.
Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

HOUSEKEEPING – Onboarding Project Inbal L & Aparna G met on March 18,2023. For housekeeping before project hand-off. Current UXR Co-Leads: Inbal L & Kevin M

  1. Wiki Issue

  2. Open new GitHub issue to analyse the 'Survey Data' (TWE project should be able to help with any existing issue templates, which you can replicate) https://github.com/hackforla/internship/issues/359

    • Make Google Drive Folder for this Survey Data Analysis issue
    • Potential GitHub Issue Templates from TWE Project below:
    • Research Plan Template
    • Quantitative Data analysis template (for close ended survey questions)
    • Qualitative Data Analysis template (for open ended survey questions)
    • Survey data collection & analysis template (covers close & open ended questions)
    • Workshopping the data analysis?
    • Presenting research results & findings template
    • If TWE Project has issue templates for above:arrow_up:, then great! If they donot ask them for the next best thing that is available with respect to the GitHub templates & go for it with your own iterations.
  3. Agenda Issue for Onboarding project

    • Create Issue
    • Add to Kanban Board
    • Create a new Label https://github.com/hackforla/internship/issues/101
    • Close/ the current #420 issue since team has a different, evolved focus now (When team is ready to conduct these user interviews, you can replicate issue templates from TWE)
    • Copy+paste the important resources/links from this #420 issue (info regarding locked folders, survey data link etc) to the Agenda Issue.
Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago


This project is pivoting in a new direction from the initial conceptualization & requirements

The UXRs based on the requirements from Bonnie & admin (the stakeholders) will be completing the following: