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Generate Training Modules - 2023-03-22 & 2023-04-12: Sara B & Ying O / TWE Project, ReOps Best Practices #427

Closed Aparna1Gopal closed 9 months ago

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago


We need to document the speakers & their workshops. These workshops will function as Training Modules.

Action Items

PART 1 on 2023-03-22

PART 2 on 2023-04-12

PART 3 on 2023-06-14 [Interactive Workshop - testing ReOps Issue Templates]


Slack Announcement (edit this) :mega: Mark your Calendars! **[GUEST SPEAKER]** will be visiting the UI/UX Community of Practice on **[DATE]**! :computer: **Topic:** ResearchOps: Knowledge transfer of best practices from the TWE Project to the UI/UX CoP ? Please post **your questions** in this [GitHub issue](INSERT LINK) :arrow_left: :arrow_down: :bust_in_silhouette:**About:** [INSERT BIO] :wave: **[LinkedIn or WEBSITE]** [LINKEDIN LINK] Thank you! UI/UX CoP co-leads @ Jennifer Nguyen @ Julia Gab @ Aparna Gopal

Speaker Bio

Sara B & Ying O, as the UX Research Leads, have worked with TWE to set up the Research Ops structure of the project. They collectively have extensive experience that spans years conducting research, research management, data analysis & market research!

bradyse commented 1 year ago

HfLA CoP - TWE Internship

How TWE Internship ResearchOps Started

Presented by @bradyse (former UXR Lead) and @pandanista (UXR Lead)

What is the TWE Internship Project?

pandanista commented 1 year ago

@bradyse I made a few minor edits, but the structure and all the examples look good! I copied and pasted the communication on Slack below so we can keep track of the questions we received. Let me know if those answers are sufficient.

"Could you also please cover super basic level concepts as well, in addition to your planned workshop/talk. We got some of these questions from the Onboarding project, so looks like a lot more folks would be thinking this way too. Questions like:

For file names , we finally decided on using the following structure: TWE: ISYY: RP###: Participant Type (where applicable) + Description of the document i.e. Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 8 35 18 PM TWE: IS22: RP012: Intern Exit Interview Roll Call and Session Table For the issue we create to deliver the outcome, we use a similar structure and add an action verb in the end. TWE: ISYY: RP###: Participant Type (where applicable) + Description of the Research: Action i.e. TWE: RP020: Interview Roll Call and Session Table: Create

One more note, we actually had to come up with some naming abbreviation convention retroactively since we have different user types. Create Naming Conventions for Research

Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Copy of Slack Message/Announcement on March 21

:mega: Mark your Calendars! at Sara Brady at Ying O will be visiting the UI/UX Community of Practice tomorrow! :computer: Topic: ResearchOps: Knowledge transfer of best practices from the TWE Project to the UI/UX CoP :bust_in_silhouette:About our speakers: Sara B & Ying O, as the UX Research Leads, have worked with TWE to set up the Research Ops structure of the project. They collectively have extensive experience that spans years conducting research, research management, data analysis & market research! :question: Please post your questions in the comment section of this GitHub issue :arrow_left: Thank you! UI/UX CoP co-leads at Aparna Gopal at Jennifer Nguyen at Julia Gab

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 11 47 47 am
Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Copy of Slack Message/Announcement on March 22

:blob-wave: Thank you all for attending at Ying O & at Sara Brady's training/workshop today! We enjoyed having you all there & the questions that came through! :spiral_calendar_pad: Sara & Ying will be conducting the second part of this series on April 12, 6PM PST at the UI/UX CoP :question:Please post any questions you may have in this GitHub issue :arrow_left: :film_frames: The recording from the training/workshop will be available on our Wiki soon!

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 11 50 25 am
Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Copy of Slack Message/Announcement on April 10

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 10 19 18 am
Aparna1Gopal commented 1 year ago

Consent Form Workshop by Sara & Ying on June 14, 2023

Aparna1Gopal commented 12 months ago


Aparna1Gopal commented 9 months ago

IMPACT of the Best Practices training & knowledge transfer within the UI/UX CoP

More teams are starting to adopt these best practices!

Slack communication between Civic Tech Job ReOps Lead & UI/UX CoP Co-Leads

[at] Leah Ellis Good evening :slightly_smiling_face: I am currently on the Civic Tech Job project and had a few questions for the community of practice leads. I am taken more of an research ops role for my team and want to ensure we are documentation our research proper, we are protecting the privacy of the users, and utilizing more of Hack for LAs best practices when it comes to research. We are gearing up for usability testing with internal members on the organization. Do you have any advise on where to upload our testing videos? for an internal audience is there any guidelines for protecting privacy with Hack for LA? Is consent forms needs for internal members? I can also jump on a quick call to discuss some of these topics further please let me know :slightly_smiling_face:

[at] Julia Gab Hi Leah! For uploading test videos you could use google drive (assuming your team has one) and have a “locked” folder or separate drive that only certain ppl have access to. You can also give these ppl limited permission so they don’t invite others in the drive or folder. Not sure about any specific guidelines for protecting privacy but you could check out HfLA’s code of conduct to make sure? Are you planning to just store this PII as documentation for your research? I’d say initially you wouldn’t need a consent form unless you plan on sharing any information outside of research, specially if they’re internal members. But depending on how you plan on using this info you could write a consent form (that you can reuse as a template) to let users know the purpose of the research and the data you’re collecting from them so they can agree with it. I guess it’s better to be safe if you have the time to do it :slightly_smiling_face: Unfortunately I am traveling this week and next so I probably can’t meet on a call atm but happy to continue discussing here and maybe Aparna has other ideas or thoughts as well

[at] Leah Ellis Thank you for the input. The testing videos may be shared with the UX Designers as well but we have not discussed that. They may observe the testing sessions as well. Do you have a copy of the Code of Conduct that I can view? We really just plan on using it to help the designer better design the platform. We dont have to keep the videos right, we can just write a report? Typically when doing testing like usability testing does each person use there own zoom links if all researchers are leading at different times?

[at] Aparna Gopal Hi Leah! Second Julia on the points. Adding to it:

[at] Aparna Gopal Also great to know that you & your team are following best practices in ReOps! Makes my heart full to know that all that the Co-Leads worked for in the past few months is paying off now as more teams start adopting best practices in ReOps:relaxed::hugging_face:. Looking forward to the results from this study at future UI/UX CoP meetings I am also traveling for the rest of September & will be unable to hop on a call. Happy to continue discussing here as & when I have access. I am also looping in the other Co-Leads to this message thread. They will be able to help you as well, when the rest of us are traveling!

[at] Jennifer Nguyen & [at] Peter Gwon was added to the conversation by Aparna Gopal .