hackforla / VRMS

Volunteer Relationship Management System: This is an ambitious project to create a system that will help us measure our human capital development, reduce repetitive tasks and processes, and improve outcomes.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
40 stars 76 forks source link

GitHub Project Migration: (inactive) VRMS Research board #1675

Open JackHaeg opened 2 weeks ago

JackHaeg commented 2 weeks ago


We need to prepare the Project Boards for the forced migration that GitHub is doing in August, so that it is already working well for the team by then. This issue tracks the migration of VRMS project board: "(inactive) VRMS Research board"

Action Items


JackHaeg commented 2 weeks ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Features in this column are primarily focused on HC
JackHaeg commented 2 weeks ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Create and operate a Southern California (Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Ventura) focused Public Interest Tech Job Board

Product Vision:
To be the best Public Interest Tech Job Board in Southern California

CodeforAmerica Job board for reference

GirlsInTech board for reference

LA2050 Job posting board for reference




NonProfit Career


Work for Good
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

review this Job Opportunity funnel approach advice for use within our HfLA community

To maximize your chances of getting in front of and landing the jobs you truly want, get methodical.

Like a salesperson, see this as Sourcing / Lead Generating in 3 parts:

Fish in fertile waters! A fisherman doesn't just float around, but goes to where the hungry fish are!
Get clear on where you find your hungry employers—e.g. LinkedIn, other sites? What networks or groups, etc.

Build job funnels: Salespeople don't just show up, they know exactly how they engage their buyers.
Starting in your fertile waters, know how u hook, engage and "convert" potential opportunities, honing every step of your winning method!

Spin funnels into vortexes: Get your job funnels spinning into vortexes that throw opportunities to you! How?
Working your funnels methodically, consistently, better and better, all the way to job you truly want!
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Create an information resource for Getting started on your Journey. Pt. 1

Joel Parker Henderson May 29th at 12:07 PM
Do you have opinions on tech training courses in Los Angeles or virtual/online? Such as technology trainings, boot camps, certification classes, and the like? There’s a group that’s asking for advice on where lower-income lower-tech-skill people should look for upskilling. Any advice?

wesrowe: 1 day ago
Joel Parker Henderson can you share more about the specifics, if you know them… Do the trainees have access to a laptop? After that, are we talking about students who know what they want to learn, or do they need some training about tech in order to pick a direction for deeper study?

IMHO...when I was first starting out, there was so much to learn that I didn't know what to learn or where to start. I think we have to consider that new folks need a direction about which technologies serve which purpose. Then we need to consider if...
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Create an information resource for Getting started on your Journey. Pt. 2

javaprincess 1 day ago
... they are doing this as a passion because they have a deep love for computing or if it is a way to build a life

Bonnie 1 day ago
The largest barrier to entry for low income communities is cost. The second is isolation (not being connected with others in the tech community).I highly recommend freecodecamp.org javascript. Because it teaches you the fundamentals so that you can start your journey. Then I recommend start training for any bootcamps entrance exam. Not to go there (necessarily), but to connect yourself with the communities of other people trying to become coders. This will help you find people to pair program with, set goals to achieve, etc.By the time you are good enough for a rigorous bootcamp like codesmith.io, you don’t need to go to a bootcamp. You can start volunteering at HackforLA and get experience on a real project. All without spending a penny.
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Create an information resource for Getting started on your Journey. Pt. 3

wesrowe (co-captain; he/him): 1 day ago
javaprincess Your words resonate — Do you have any advice for yourself back when you were starting out? Are there resources or guides you found along the way that can help someone figure out where to start? Did you connect with peers or mentors?

javaprincess 1 day ago
wesrowe: good questions. Full disclaimer -- I have a M.S. in computer science but when I wanted to learn Java, I had to learn it on my own. I bought books and read articles and finally, what helped was actually digging in and writing code. But the problem with learning an enterprise language is that you don't have the instant gratification of seeing your hard work pay off in the browser when you make a code change. So understanding and measuring success is a little different.
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Create an information resource for Getting started on your Journey. Pt. 4

Advice to myself: pick a language to learn and write code. Everyday write code. Understand what you are writing and why you are writing it. "Hello World" is a good start but it can't be where you end. Make something meaningful.
Resources: Given that the internet and its use have changed drastically since I started (circa 2001), I would say join meetups and groups (like HfLA) that want to teach. Go to meetings. Don't be afraid to fail. You are only ignorant for the 5minutes it takes to ask the question. And I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W. The interview is the BEST teacher/reasource this field has to offer. Hook up with a good recruiter.
Mentor/Peer Connection: I attended meetup groups but I was afraid. Afraid I didn't know enough or didn't know what ppl thought I should know. So I remained silent in my fear.
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Create an information resource for Getting started on your Journey. Pt. 5

Dean 1 day ago
Join or Form a support group that has discussions about the Platforms that have emerged like WordPress & Salesforce ecosystems.

Susan 23 hours ago
Freecodecamp is a fantastic resource but I also recommend Udemy as it's a great way to learn for cheap (since they always have sales) as an alternative to bootcamps. I'm currently taking a Udemy course that is structured like a bootcamp - guiding you through the process of creating your first HTML website to creating a full stack web application. I feel like there's more hand holding with a bootcamp-like Udemy course that may be more beneficial to people with no technical background.
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Create a Community Member Testimonial Library to capture & communicate the diverse nature of our participants
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Create a LinkedIn Effective Practices section
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

How the HackforLA platform can best perform for you Intake process
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Consider creating a module in the spirit of eLearning or Learning management systems that has a focus on our Community of Volunteers. What content do they need access to to create a Shared Understanding within our local brigade and across the CfA Brigade Network
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Develop a pool of technical assessors trained to review candidate submissions and provide calibrated assessments of their work.
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Build out a library of good timed take-home assignments with a rubric for grading candidate submissions holistically.
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

As a returning HfLA community member I would like a tool(s) to help me discover the tech skills I should invest in acquiring that will benefit me in the field (industry) in which I work
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

Create a feature to self-assign timed take-home assignments per Practice Discipline.
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

How to Crack the Coding Interview Effective Practices section
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

How to Crack the UX/UI Interview Effective Practices sections
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

How to Crack the Product team Interview Effective Practices section
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Human Capital Development

How to Crack the Agile Project Management Interview Effective Practices section
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (EPPM)

Features in this column are primarily focused on portfolio management
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (EPPM)

Can ChatOps be useful functionality for the VRMS Platform?
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Management Time Efficiency

Features in this column are primary focused on saving hack night hosts and other management level from repeating the same information or processes
Steph112792 commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Management Time Efficiency

Bar code for returning checkins