hackforla / VRMS

Volunteer Relationship Management System: This is an ambitious project to create a system that will help us measure our human capital development, reduce repetitive tasks and processes, and improve outcomes.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
39 stars 75 forks source link

VRMS 0.4 Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Requirements #604

Open akibrhast opened 3 years ago

akibrhast commented 3 years ago

Drafted by Adam Spar and Alex Anakin Stakeholder Representative: Bonnie Wolfe Short url to the document: https://tinyurl.com/vrms-mvp-o4

Purpose and Scope VRMS is a browser-based software tool for Hack for LA (HfLA) to offer personalized management of project and volunteer experiences. The tool will further the organization’s goals of creating pro-social software and developing the tech sector workforce, doing so by collecting and using relevant data to automate repetitive tasks, match volunteers and projects, and provide insights to improve organizational effectiveness. The MVP iteration of VRMS will: - Lay the technical groundwork for MVP and later iterations of development - Streamline user onboarding with partial automation - Enable users to check into events and see basic event information - Let users manage user profiles containing contact data - Feed data including meeting times to the HforLA website - Provide admin reports for download
Stakeholders and User Roles - Hack for LA administrators (e.g., Bonnie): who will use MVP to save time onboarding new users through automation and self-service Project Lead features - Project leads: who will use the MVP to save time self-onboarding new project team members - General volunteers: who will use the MVP to save time joining the org - HackforLA website team: who will display VRMS-provided data - VRMS team: who will gain experience and satisfaction from developing this software
Market and User Demographics While the eventual market for VRMS includes the majority of Code for America brigades, the MVP pilot market is exclusively Hack for LA, consisting of 100–500 volunteers grouped into 10–50 teams. Users are primarily: - technology-literate adults, no relevant gender or ethnic specification - educated: current or past college and/or developer bootcamp, or self-taught - interested in an aspect of software development e.g., engineering, design, product management - interested in social issues e.g., civil rights, environmentalism, politics - Interested in developing software workflow tools for local governmental organizations - Interested in volunteering to better society - looking to acquire new skills or experience - Volunteers with varying and sometimes very limited hours to contribute - Independent and require other motivation (vs. under managerial control tied to financial compensation)
User experience schema ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32349001/123525645-4410df80-d6a0-11eb-9b8e-736bb4c3b06a.png)
Data Models Summary (details below) - User: to identify each user account, with parameters per data model - Project: to identify each project, with parameters per data model - ProjectMembership: to associate users with projects, with parameters per data model - Event: to identify each “event”/meeting for projects, with parameters per Data Model - Check-In: to identify when “users” attend “events,” with parameters per Data Model - Dictionaries: to standardize/centralize structured data choices that appear throughout the product

Feature #/Name 1.01 Landing/Login Page - Select Next Step
Release # 0.4
Description As a user arriving at VRMS.io, I want to select “sign in” or “sign up” so I can begin the appropriate flow to access an account.
Acceptance Criteria - When a user clicks “sign up” proceed to the create account screen (3.01)
- When a user clicks “sign in” proceed to the sign-in screen (1.02)
- When a user clicks “more info” they are taken to TBD “about VRMS” page
Design - Main Design(final)
- Tooltip design(final)
Additional Notes


Feature #/Name 1.02 Landing/Login Page - Sign I
Release # 0.4
Description As a returning user I want to enter my email address so I can log into my VRMS user account.
Acceptance Criteria - User can type email address into text field
- Unrecognized VRMS account login email results in display of error text asking user if they want to create a new account
- Upon completion user proceeds to main dashboard (2.01)
- Display warning notice below text box when entered text is not email-address format (x@x.x)
- Prevent user from proceeding with creating account (1.01) or logging in (1.02) if email address format is incorrect
Design - Main Design(final)
- Unrecognized Account(final)
- Email format fail (final)
Additional Notes


juliagab56 commented 11 months ago