The database or data has some formatting or other issues that need to be resolved before it can be imported.
Action Items
[x] Data Collection Design
[x] Review Secretary of State Website
[x] Call a County starting from the first until you reach one that can validate the data with you.
[x] Checking the data that we have is correct
[x] Gathering data for fields that are empty
[x] Asking if there is anything else we should know
[x] Update Location Validation Test Sheet
[x] Edit the issue Action Items to reflect findings
[x] Data Scientist/Scrapers
[x] Add the following columns to your data schema
[x] display_notes
[x] where
[x] start_date
[x] accessibility
[x] Delete the following fields
[x] field 23
[x] latitude
[x] longitude
[x] social
[x] state and counties and county reps copy
[x] Rename the following fields
[x] state to state_2 (see below)
[x] validate_url to source_data
[x] If Hours are available add them to the sheet by using the following convention (removing any info about days they are closed e.g. closed sat and sun, unless it refers to a specific date they are closed):
MONDAY-FRIDAY:1:00 PM-4:30PM or Monday-Friday:7:00-12:00
[x] Address fields needs to be broken up into individual components (address_1 and address_2)
address_1 = Street name and address #
address_2 = suite # or room #, etc
city = city name
state = state name spelled out
state_2 = two-letter abbreviation for the address (for some states the location is in a different state than the voting district (crazy I know. But this is why there is a state field separate which is supposed to be the state spelled out and that is the jurisdiction, not the physical location)
The database or data has some formatting or other issues that need to be resolved before it can be imported.
Action Items
Google Sheet