hackforla / civic-opportunity

The Civic Opportunity Project will seek to provide a curated journey for Civic Tech volunteers. Our goal is to equip participants with the resources, exposure and toolsets to excel in a competitive workforce. The project will continuously iterate the experience process and ultimately exist as software that can be streamlined, scaled and replicated.
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Create a journey map for HfLA volunteers #118

Open rfambro2 opened 3 years ago

rfambro2 commented 3 years ago


We need to do a content/journey mockup to communicate our intended user experience flow on the Hack for LA website. The interactions and assets available between the below information will need to be mapped out and communicated to the HfLA website team.

Action Items


UX/UI CoP GitHub board Role Markdown files Website Figma file Product Development Recruitment Flowchart

rfambro2 commented 3 years ago


Example Sketch for Storyboard provided by Oskar

rfambro2 commented 3 years ago

@daniellex0 This requires interaction with the HfLA website team.

daniellex0 commented 3 years ago

Hi @rfambro2 , got it- how would you all like to collaborate? Should we join the 9am meeting tomorrow?

rfambro2 commented 3 years ago

@daniellex0 - Hey Danielle! No need to join tomorrow’s meeting. I think we still have some things to talk through before we can bring you back in. Will keep you posted!

daniellex0 commented 3 years ago

@rfambro2 Got it, sounds good!

Arjayellis commented 3 years ago

Onboarding slide deck - https://docs.google.com/presentation/u/1/d/127UC7q5JOgc5oPev4bbEdydchany-rVBkPRn4w6DMek/edit#slide=id.p

Figma - https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=352%3A205

patrickm-tan commented 3 years ago

Got in touch with Danielle - lots of great information in terms of onboarding and HflA user flow


Arjayellis commented 3 years ago

@patrickm-tan how are you doing on this issue? I would like to start speaking to users in order to further refine our project goals and initiatives, but would like to be able to clearly reference each step in the user journey during the process so we can identify the gaps.

patrickm-tan commented 3 years ago

Journey Map Action Items


Research Needs

patrickm-tan commented 3 years ago

Link to miro board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lFFy7Gk=/

Finished first run through (my experience), looking to interview 2 additional volunteers to refine

Arjayellis commented 3 years ago

Draft for user interview questions. Let's review both sets and finalize a list later this week. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pX829XB2s4IwNNw7AnhJggfgRaerBTAQz_8L0ZqaSKA/edit

@patrickm-tan @alexilee

patrickm-tan commented 3 years ago

Sounds good - will review the doc and also add some questions I brainstormed over the week. Then later reconvene to review the doc and move on with interviews

patrickm-tan commented 3 years ago


@Jackie-UX you can access the journey map with this link, feel free to add any comments/experiences you had as a volunteer

patrickm-tan commented 3 years ago

Took a look at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pX829XB2s4IwNNw7AnhJggfgRaerBTAQz_8L0ZqaSKA/edit

Questions look good to me, I only need really one thing in regard to the journey map and that would be just the overall experience at each "stage" of their journey, so if we can look to ask that at each stage. Other than that I should be able to put a lot of the info into the journey map.

Just eyeballing a number but I can see it being roughly 7 minutes a stage x 5 for asking and answering the questions. The heavier answers are the middle stages like Onboarding and Contribution, but I think it could even out with the easier questions throughout the interview. So roughly looking at 35 minutes of interviews give or take? Thoughts?

patrickm-tan commented 2 years ago

Getting more insight with issue 152, will update the map accordingly