hackforla / data-science

The Hack For LA Data Science team is a Community of Practice within the LA brigade seeking to make analytical and machine learning services available to local communities and organizations.
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COVID 19 impact project #110

Open ryanmswan opened 4 years ago

ryanmswan commented 4 years ago


Access to clean 311 data from 311-data-org team Project one sheet (can continue issue w/o completion of one sheet template)


Investigate methods for mapping COVID-19 data for LA County to the 311-data tool and assess additional data that can be mapped using the 311-data tool

Action Items


http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/locations.htm https://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/coronavirus-in-oc https://csungis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/tree/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series https://covidtracking.com/data

Data needed from 311 project

all data from three years before covid shutdown and all data during will not need an ongoing pipeline but probably we be revised to update it the shutdowns ever end.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago
