The Hack For LA Data Science team is a Community of Practice within the LA brigade seeking to make analytical and machine learning services available to local communities and organizations.
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Starter Project for New Data Analysts and Data Scientists #138
Discuss how this integrates with Hack for LA plans to engage new data scientists and get them working on productive projects.
CoP lead proposed developing a starter project using a toy data set to help new recruits understand various tasks and allow mentors to provide useful feedback based on deeper understanding of the project and data set.
Action Items
[ ] Determine what skills should be used in the starter project. Possibilities include:
Discuss how this integrates with Hack for LA plans to engage new data scientists and get them working on productive projects.
CoP lead proposed developing a starter project using a toy data set to help new recruits understand various tasks and allow mentors to provide useful feedback based on deeper understanding of the project and data set.
Action Items