hackforla / data-science

The Hack For LA Data Science team is a Community of Practice within the LA brigade seeking to make analytical and machine learning services available to local communities and organizations.
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Prep project boards for Migration #203

Open akhaleghi opened 2 weeks ago

akhaleghi commented 2 weeks ago


We need to prepare the Project Boards for the forced migration that GitHub is doing in August, so that it is already working well for the team by then.

Action Items

All issues are on the project board


Project board URLs: New board Old board

akhaleghi commented 2 weeks ago

Text from project board card (Edited to format like Home Unite Us model)

   ### Meeting Times And Links 
   Every Monday at 7:00PM Pacific. No meetings on the first Monday of the month. 
   [Zoom Link](https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87038212377?pwd=bnh3bkJGeWJ0eS94YTRzaVFhZ2Nwdz09)
akhaleghi commented 2 weeks ago

Text from project board card

### Team Links
[Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1maraSDu5BXzCYWFubY834Nq-8AT93FUJ?usp=sharing)
[Data Science Team Roster](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QJltNh1gOybfebe-RkT-xS7m4OtxbuFfaJ4OujeA4h0/edit#gid=0)
akhaleghi commented 2 weeks ago

Text from project board card

### Handy Tools and Sites
[Full Page Screenshot Chrome ext](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gofullpage-full-page-scre/fdpohaocaechififmbbbbbknoalclacl?hl=en)
[311 Data API Access](https://dev-api.311-data.org/docs)
akhaleghi commented 2 weeks ago

Text from project board card

### If you need a letter confirming your participation
akhaleghi commented 2 weeks ago

Text from project board card

### Guides
We are creating guides that will help future HfLA volunteers at Hack for LA, and add to valuable shared documentation between all teams.

To contribute:

Write ideas for new guides by adding a card in the New Issue Approval column

Self-assign a guide you are interested in working on from the Prioritized Backlog column, and move it to the In Progress column

Guide Resources:

[Tracker across all Communities of Practice](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/3)

How to Gather Examples
& Interview Teams

[Formatting your draft - WIP](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-8gmeC-wnfM8C8fVvmTP1BLA2WfNjKH_XJrHB1OAV6Q/edit)

[Template for draft - WIP](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kV29V-mRPBNRRfIbYHrz05FElC02Dh6egaMANlxaZrM/copy)
akhaleghi commented 2 weeks ago

Text from project board card

### Resources for Data Scientists
- Python Notebook
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 weeks ago

Text from project board card

Please check into [vrms.io](http://vrms.io) at the beginning of the meeting
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

All comments below this are from the open roles board

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Open Role, Instructions column

We know this board is ugly!!!

- [Find a volunteer Opportunity](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/projects/2#card-53801792)
- [Post a volunteer Opportunity](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/projects/2#card-53801850)
- [Remove a volunteer Opportunity](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/projects/2#card-53802002)

If you know some places where we should post these opportunities please [submit Data Science channels](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7jz_Uj7Luxrlv7ObR2HFEHMDnTfwaFcXR1LYlcwbz-Pz4cw/viewform) after you check to make sure its not on the list of [existing Data Science channels we know about](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yFCDM50HiaOICZWWQI4vT3TXrqd_QRMm2uEboN38iQs/preview)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Open Role, Instructions column

#### Find a volunteer opportunity

1. [Signup for the Hack for LA Slack Workspace](http://hackforla.org/slack)
1. If you don't already have a GitHub account, please [signup](https://github.com).  We use boards like this to organize information quickly.
1. Read the role descriptions at the top of the columns, pick which is appropriate for your existing skill level
1. Read through the opportunities posted by the teams, pick one and communicate with the team by following the instructions on the opportunity cards.
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Open Role, Instructions column

#### Post a Volunteer Opportunity
1. Get added to this board (reach out to Abe to be added)
1. click on the plus sign at the top of the column to start a new card under the role type your project falls under
1. If the role type dosen't exist, please make a new column and add a description ([they can be found here](https://github.com/hackforla/civic-opportunity/tree/master/roles-1))
1. Use the following format:

**Project Name**: [your project name replaces these brackets]

**Volunteer Opportunity**: [your opportunity description replaces these brackets]


**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel

[Read more about the project]([your project home page on hackforla.org website goes here])

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Open Role, Instructions column

#### Remove a Volunteer Opportunity

1. Confirm that you are the UX or PM lead for your project and that your PM(s) wants this opportunity removed.
1. Edit the opportunity by click the three dots ... on the top right corner of the card.
1. Add  ~~ at the top and the bottom of the card (eg. ~~strike this text out~~)
1. Add the Name of the person and their slack handle to the card.
1. Move to the filled column
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Data Scientist column

#### Data Scientist
This team member will be responsible for studying the datasets provided by the researcher with the intent of identifying trends. Formulating and testing hypotheses based on business needs by analyzing and modeling data. [Read more](https://github.com/hackforla/civic-opportunity/blob/master/roles-1/data-scientist.md)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Data Scientist column

**Project Name**: Affordable Housing Access to Food Pantries

**Volunteer Opportunity**: We want to analyze to what extent affordable housing residents have access to food pantries and meal programs. To do this, we want to examine the geographic location of these housing projects in relation to their accessibility to pantries and programs.

**Tools Used**: TBD, but typically your choice of tools.

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi, Karina Lopez, or Sophia Alice

**Issue:** [#181](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/181)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Data Scientist column

**Project Name**: City of Los Angeles Evictions

**Volunteer Opportunity**: We want to analyze eviction data for the city of Los Angeles, and incorporate data from other sources, to determine whether there are actions local leaders can take to address the problem. 

This is an existing project that needs the following additional tasks completed:
  - Expand on existing work with additional data analysis on Native Land data.
  - Create visualizations that help illustrate data
  - Develop a presentation outlining findings and opportunities for additional research

**Tools Used**: TBD, but typically your choice of tools.

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi, Karina Lopez, or Sophia Alice

**Issue:** [#179](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/179)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Data Analyst column

#### Data Analyst
This team member is responsible for producing statistical breakdowns of data sets and data cleaning tasks. Emphasis on visualization and communication of data trends using tools like Tableau or RShiny. Emphasis on applied statistical techniques especially frequentist and bayesian approaches. Tech: SQL, Tableau, R, Python. [Read more](https://github.com/hackforla/civic-opportunity/blob/master/roles-1/data-analyst.md)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Data Analyst column

**Project Name**: Find data sources through the LA Controller's office

**About the Project**: We want to build a library of various local data sources so that we can initiate new data science projects for volunteers that will be useful for the local community. The LA Controller's office seems to have quite a few.

**Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for a committed Data Analysts to help document these data sets.

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of the person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi, Karina Lopez, or Sophia Alice 

**Issue:** [#178](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/178)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Data Analyst column

**Project Name**: Active and Inactive Businesses of LA County

**Volunteer Opportunity**: We want to create a usable dataset of active and inactive businesses to perform various time series analyses (i.e. visualizing business closures during the covid pandemic).

**Tools Used**: TBD, but typically your choice of tools.

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi, Karina Lopez, or Sophia Alice

**Issue:** [#182](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/182)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Data Analyst Visualization

#### Data Analyst: Visualization
This team member is responsible for both data analysis and producing visualizations and/or presentations that help communicate data trends. Tech: Tableau, R, RShiny, SQL
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Data Analyst Visualization

**Project Name**: Create district types reusable tool

**Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Analyst to create a tool so that each project at H4LA that renders points on a map can use District Files to help people analyze or view the data.

This is an existing project that needs the following additional tasks completed:
  - Research how we will create a data set out of this info that will be self updating (meaning are there apis for these groups)

**Tools Used**: GitHub, Python, APIs

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi


**Issue:** [#118](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/118)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Data Analyst Visualization

**Project Name**: Native Land Attribution

**Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Analyst to make visible the native lands that LA County occupies through geospatial visualizations, statistical data, etc. for placement on the Hack for LA website. 

This is an existing project that needs the following additional tasks completed:
  - Expand on existing work with additional data analysis on Native Land data.
  - Create visualizations that help illustrate data
  - Develop a presentation outlining findings and opportunities for additional research

**Tools Used**: Your choice of scripting language and visualization tools, Google Slides

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi

[LA County zip and city list](https://www.zip-codes.com/county/ca-los-angeles.asp)
[Native Land lookup](https://native-land.ca/)

**Issue:** [#45](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/45)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Other Roles column

**Project Name**: Data Science Tutorials

**Volunteer Opportunity**:  We need data scientists and analysts to help create tutorials to serve as a resource for volunteers.

**Duration**: Approx. 8 hours

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi

[Text analysis](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/153)
[Data Ops](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/154)
[Machine Learning](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/156)
[Deep Learning](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/157)
[Data analysis with R](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/145)
[Command Line/Git](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/163)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card

#### Database Architect
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card

[Database Architect Job board is here](https://github.com/hackforla/ops/projects/1#column-12753343)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Filled column


**Project Name:** The MERL Center

**About the Project:** The MERL Center is a Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning open source community under Civic Tech Structure.

**Volunteer Opportunity:** We are looking for a Data Analyst to help us create visualizations from data collected by members using various methods for articles to be published on the official MERL Center website.

**Duration:** Min 2 weeks to ongoing

**Schedule:** No regular meetings. Schedule 30 min appointments as needed between 7am-11am, M-Th

**Who to communicate your interest to:** Rabia Shaikh on Slack

**Resources:** [Example of a MERL Center article with visuals](https://merlcenter.org/caseStudies/oss-usage-east-africa/)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Filled column

**Project Name**: City of Los Angeles Arrests

**Volunteer Opportunity**: We want to analyze arrest data for the city of Los Angeles, and incorporate data from other sources, to determine whether there are actions local leaders can take to address the problem of crime. 

**Tools Used**: TBD, but typically your choice of tools.

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi, Karina Lopez, or Sophia Alice

**Issue:** [#180](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/180)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Filled

**Project**: Data Science Logo and Favicon Design

**Volunteer Opportunity**: We need a designer to finish the existing work on the Data Science team logo and favicon.
Also posted in UI/UX open roles [here](https://github.com/hackforla/UI-UX/projects/3#card-78617312)

**Tools Used:** Your choice of graphic design software.

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of the person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi

- [#140](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/140)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Filled

**Project Name**: Visualize the cities in LA county that offer public 311 data sets

**Volunteer Opportunity**: Hack for LA Leadership wants to publish a map to show the amount of 311 data available in the Greater LA area

This is an existing project that needs the following additional tasks completed:
- Create a Matrix that compares the schemas from all the 311 data sets, to identify what fields each contains with a taxonomy table if necessary
- Create a plan with the Data Science team to create an appropriate visualization for the data.

**Tools Used**: Google Sheets/Excel, visualization tools

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi


**Issue:** [#22](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/22)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, filled column, Filled

**Project Name**: 311 Data

**Volunteer Opportunity**: We need to take a look at all the 311 request type data with no council id or council name assigned to it. In the 311 data server, the councilId has been assigned as 0 and the councilName as 'No Council' for such request types.

**Tools Used**: Your choice of data analysis and visualization tools

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Anupriya Jayakumar


**Issue:** [#1250](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data/issues/1250)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Filled

**Project Name**: Open Source Projects Data Sets

**Volunteer Opportunity**:  Our data analyst will be responsible for helping Hack for LA to monitor various open source projects and create a script that will keep our listing up-to-date with information such as last active.

**Duration**: Approx. 5 to 6 hours

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi

[Issue here](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/152)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Filled

**Data Scientist**: Data Scientist

**Project Name**: SEIE Survey

**Volunteer Opportunity**: NLP engineering/analysis on a large survey featuring free text columns. Run TF-IDF analysis, create word clouds, and perform sentiment analysis to capture information relevant to subsets based on council district, gender, ethnicity, and other variables. Create a presentation to show data to neighborhood council members. Tooling could include scikit-learn, spacy, pandas.

**Duration**: 1-2 months

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #[data-science](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CGRATJCCF)
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Bonnie & Ryan Swan

**Learn More**: Join #data-science meeting Thursday at 8 pm to learn more.

Currently Underway: 
@Henry Kaplan
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Investigate if we can reopen

**Project Name**: Survey of Labels for Hack for LA GitHub Repos

**Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Scientist to survey labels across the organization so that we can rationalize and do automation and org-wide audits.

**Tools Used**: GitHub API, Your choice of scripting language (e.g. Python, JavaScript, R, etc.), possibly GitHub Actions

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #ops
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Nicole Dubin

See [#15](https://github.com/hackforla/ops/issues/15) for more background on how data will be used by ops team.

**Issue:** [#14](https://github.com/hackforla/ops/issues/14)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, Investigate if we can reopen

**Role:** Data Scientist
**Project Name:** Pedestrian Data Request
**Duration:** 6-8 weeks
**Volunteer Opportunity:** Use an API to retrieve information from [Mapillary](https://www.mapillary.com/) describing the location of high density crossings and flashing walk signs to guide the zoning of new pedestrian safe zones by city officials. The interface for the API has already been written for a previous Hack For LA project.
**Stakeholder:** Dan Kegel
**Who to contact:** Ryan Swan or Sophia Alice
**Volunteers:** @Henry Kaplan

For more details: 
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, icebox

**Project Name**: DUI Trends by Council Region

**Volunteer Opportunity**: Hack for LA wants investigate areas of high and low documented DUI arrests and link this data back to 311 data to provide insight for councils.

**Tools Used**: Your choice of data analysis tools

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Abe Khaleghi


**Issue:** [#109](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/109)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, filled column

<img src="https://www.hackforla.org/assets/images/projects/311_data.png" />

**Project Name**: 311 Data

**Volunteer Opportunity**: Data Scientist to lead an analysis of metro stops and 311 requests to determine if there are any meaningful correlations.

**Tools Used** : GitHub, Python, Dash, Plotly, Jupyter

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack channel link: #data-science
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Chelsey Beck or Abe Khaleghi

Read about the 311 data project [here](https://github.com/hackforla/311-data)

**Issues Available:** 
- [#107](https://github.com/hackforla/data-science/issues/107)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 week ago

Text from project board card, filled

**Data Scientist**

**Project Name:** LA Alliance for a New Economy, Housing Project

**Volunteer Opportunity:** Assist local nonprofit by joining several datasets that rely on physical street address as a primary identifier. After joining these data sets together, display on a map localized by approximate region the density of AirBnB rental properties in relation to properties cited for complaints in order to identify potential "party houses" that may not be in compliance with local ordinances.

**Duration:** 4-6 weeks

**Who to communicate your interest to**
- Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Sophia Alice or Ryan Swan or post in [#data-science]

**Primary Stakeholder:** [LAANE](https://laane.org/about-laane/)

**Currently Staffed**: @albertulysses