hackforla / data-science

The Hack For LA Data Science team is a Community of Practice within the LA brigade seeking to make analytical and machine learning services available to local communities and organizations.
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Recruit volunteers for team open roles #204

Open akhaleghi opened 2 weeks ago

akhaleghi commented 2 weeks ago



We need volunteer(s) to work on the open issues we have so that we can move the project forward.

Action Items

Creating a new role post

Marketing the new role post

Once Filled


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 6 days ago

Post from previous UI/UX Research open roles board, Filled column

Post 1

copy code ``` **UI/UX Researcher**: UI/UX Researcher **Project Name**: SEIE Survey **Volunteer Opportunity**: Find themes on a large survey of free text columns and develop a tangible final product (slides, document, etc). Create word clouds, find themes and capture information relevant to subsets based on council region. Create a presentation to show data to neighborhood council members. **Duration**: 1-2 months **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: #access-the-data - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Sarah Nabelsi **Learn More**: Join #access-the-data meeting Wednesday at 5pm to learn more. Filled: Justin and Solee ```
viewable code **UI/UX Researcher**: UI/UX Researcher **Project Name**: SEIE Survey **Volunteer Opportunity**: Find themes on a large survey of free text columns and develop a tangible final product (slides, document, etc). Create word clouds, find themes and capture information relevant to subsets based on council region. Create a presentation to show data to neighborhood council members. **Duration**: 1-2 months **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: #access-the-data - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: Sarah Nabelsi **Learn More**: Join #access-the-data meeting Wednesday at 5pm to learn more. Filled: Justin and Solee

Post 2

copy code ``` Project Name: California Grants Portal Duration: 2-4 Weeks Volunteer Opportunity: We are looking to build a web product for librarians. The UI/UX Researcher shall draft a detailed research plan (based on initial conversations with librarians) to present to the stakeholders at California State Library. Who to communicate your interest to : Slack Name : Mihika Sahani ```
viewable code Project Name: California Grants Portal Duration: 2-4 Weeks Volunteer Opportunity: We are looking to build a web product for librarians. The UI/UX Researcher shall draft a detailed research plan (based on initial conversations with librarians) to present to the stakeholders at California State Library. Who to communicate your interest to : Slack Name : Mihika Sahani
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 6 days ago

Post from previous UI/UX Design open roles board, Filled column

copy code ``` **Project Name**: SEIE **Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for a UI designer to help us build a map visualization for a project that is near complete. This is one of the final elements needed. We want to create a few icons to represent different social themes (mental health, housing, police, education, etc) and overlay them on a map of LA with neighborhood boundaries. **Duration**: 2 weeks **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: #seie - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: snabelsi [Read more about the project](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13TVGgBeNxRKLfq64E1KdJ8RlkZiIFhp_xrj1pw-gmpI/edit#) filled: @randyrios ```
viewable code **Project Name**: SEIE **Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for a UI designer to help us build a map visualization for a project that is near complete. This is one of the final elements needed. We want to create a few icons to represent different social themes (mental health, housing, police, education, etc) and overlay them on a map of LA with neighborhood boundaries. **Duration**: 2 weeks **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: #seie - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: snabelsi [Read more about the project](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13TVGgBeNxRKLfq64E1KdJ8RlkZiIFhp_xrj1pw-gmpI/edit#) filled: @randyrios