hackforla / design-systems

Empowering every HfLA team to create their own design system. 🛠️ 🧰 Please see our readme for more info!
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DS: All-Hands Meetings (2022) #263

Closed Hanastevenson closed 1 year ago

Hanastevenson commented 2 years ago


This issue tracks the agenda for the design systems meetings and weekly roll call for projects.

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet


[DATE] Agenda and Notes

### Prework
- [ ] Invite new members to the team meeting

### Roll Call

#### Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting
 - [ ] review any issues that are in the [new issue approval column](https://github.com/hackforla/design-systems/projects/1#column-15412961)
 - [ ]  review any issues that are in the [In Progress column](https://github.com/hackforla/design-systems/projects/1#column-15133576)
 - [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
    - [ ] Review assignments for each team
       - [ ] [Research](https://github.com/hackforla/design-systems/projects/1?card_filter_query=label%3A%22role%3A+research%22)
       - [ ] [UX/UI Team](https://github.com/hackforla/design-systems/projects/1?card_filter_query=label%3A%22role%3A+ui%22+label%3A%22role%3A+ux%22)

#### New Items
#### Task items from Team meeting to review
  - [ ] Carry forward the "New Items" that we did not get to look at today

### FYI

### Notes from meeting

### New Task Items

#### Items for next week's agenda

Closing All team Meeting 2021 https://github.com/hackforla/design-systems/issues/7

Hanastevenson commented 2 years ago

Monday 17th January Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Roll call


New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

Roadmap History

Hanastevenson commented 2 years ago

24th January Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

For today’s meeting the PM went over the Github board to make sure that everybody feels comfortable while navigating Github and creating the tickets/issues. A few highlights:

Ryan, Hana, and Nas walked the team through the history of the project. On a high level the following elements were covered:

  1. Why and how the project came to be
  2. Sharing of the current drafting of different HfLA Design System components and design pieces
  3. The UX research roadmap including research steps performed (e.g. primary research), current research state (user interviews), and future research steps (e.g. usability testing)
  4. UI-UX research elements such as the wiki and Figma audits.

The above will be discussed in more detail during the separate research and design meetings that are scheduled for tomorrow.

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

Hanastevenson commented 2 years ago

31st January Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

Hanastevenson commented 2 years ago

Monday 7th February Agenda and Notes



Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

Discuss interview questions. In two weeks time the UX/UI team will show their Figma Foundations work.

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 2/28 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 3/07Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 3/14 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Sorry team for the mixed up with the assignees! I was removing the inactive members and accidentally unassigned everyone.

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 3/21 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 4/4 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 4/11 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review


Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Tuesday 4/19 Agenda and Notes



This is a joint session with the Research and Design teams in lieu of the All Team (All-hands) meeting.

Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review

Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 4/25 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review

Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 5/2 Agenda and Notes

Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Task items from Team meeting to review

Notes from meeting

New Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 5/9 Agenda and Notes


This is a design review session to decide which design solutions should be included in the 3rd usability test. The 3rd usability test is expected to happen on Friday 5/13.

Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Monday meeting

New Items

Notes from meeting

Items for next week's agenda

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 5/16 Agenda and Notes


This is going to be a recorded session because several members would be absent. The 3rd usability test was conducted on Friday 5/13 and the team would discuss the latest stages of the design prior to testing, the test session, and the analysis. Furthermore, The team would welcome new researchers to the team. Cherilyn from Internship Project (p1) might attend this session as well.

Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

The Agenda

First 15-20 mins

Notes from meeting

Items for next week's agenda

During the meeting, PM discovered that the zoom link had been in use for this meeting since the previous PM, WAS NOT in fact associated with any of HfLA's Zoom accounts ( according to HfLA's Zoom spreadsheet we were supposed to use Zoom 3 for Mondays meetings).

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 5/23 Agenda and Notes


Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

The Agenda

First 5-10 mins

Notes from meeting

Items that can be addressed before next week's meeting

There would be no All-hands meeting on Memorial Day. Tasks and assignments would be decided during Tuesday's meetings.

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 6/6 Agenda and Notes

Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

The Agenda

First 10 mins

Notes from meeting

Items that can be addressed before next week's meeting

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 6/13 Agenda and Notes

Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

The Agenda

First 5 mins

Notes from meeting

Direction for the following team meetings


allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 6/27 Agenda and Notes

Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

The Agenda

First 5 mins

Notes from meeting

Direction for the following team meetings

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 7/11 Notes

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Monday 7/18 Agenda and Notes

Roll Call

Please check in on the Roll Call Spreadsheet

The Agenda

First 5 mins

Notes from meeting

Direction for the following team meetings

kelenelee commented 2 years ago

Aug 1

Attendees @kelenelee @hdchangie @LeslieCi @hannahcarlan @kangina-tech @winoue90

Yas is on vacation. I lead the all-hands tonight and presented the preliminary findings from the product manager interviews. Debbie asked for feedback on the new lighter blue banner, which I approved because it matched the cover art closely.

Hannah raised concerns that the research objectives for the next study don't feel clear. We decided that the next research meeting on the 4th should address this

kelenelee commented 2 years ago

Aug 8

Attendees @hannahcarlan @winoue90 @hdchangie @kelenelee

Short meeting today. We asked Wataru for feedback on the research plan and whether the research will fulfill the design team's needs. He approved of it. The research team was concerned that the research plan as it stands wouldn't be actionable for the design team, but Wataru finds that having designers walk through their file will be very helpful for designers to see what Figma file characteristics work vs don't work. Although the designers have seen other teams' Figma files, they want to hear from the designers themselves to truly understand their point of view, and figure out what organizational systems work, what doesn't, and what they wish could be better.

Wataru also suggested releasing the Kit, V1, once cover page, start here page, file menu page, and housekeeping page are done. V2 with more design system things like color, typography guidelines will be in V2. He will propose this to the design team this week 8/11 and at the next all-hands 8/15 once PM @allthatyazz is back

Dongchen suggested that the research could also investigate the collaborative aspect of understanding / finding out the latest iteration of a given design.

allthatyazz commented 2 years ago

Aug 15

Attendees @hannahcarlan @winoue90 @hdchangie @kelenelee @nasimbiglari

allthatyazz commented 1 year ago

Aug 29

Attendees @hannahcarlan @winoue90 @hdchangie @kelenelee @rachelita2 @sandraberjan

(PM note: The original naming of the product was Figma Foundation. Originally, we were thinking the problematic part is the word Foundation and not Figma. I still think Figma Kit sets more straightforward expectations for users who are designers familiar with similar terms and have seen and used different UI kits. Imagine they would see a link somewhere on a HfLA toolkit page and they would have a much easier time recognizing what the Figma Kit would be about. Design Kit does not have a similar impact. )

kelenelee commented 1 year ago

@allthatyazz i'm going ahead and posting these notes I took. please feel free to edit this

Sep 26

Attendees @allthatyazz @kelenelee @rsschacht @sandraberjan @rachelita2 @hdchangie

@hdchangie will be stepping back as of this meeting. in case it has not been documented elsewhere in Github, @hannahcarlan @LeslieCi @tamalatrinh @winoue90 have been hired for other positions as of several weeks ago.

Moved product v1 release from end of Sep to end of October. Cover page min req to be researched more and revisited. @kelenelee to

Team to

kelenelee commented 1 year ago

Oct 3

Attendees @allthatyazz @kelenelee @sandraberjan @rachelita2 @winoue90

I presented a slide deck of insights and recommendations based on 3 1-on-1 interviews I had with designers from different teams, who talked about their Figma file and the way they use it and their self-reported needs.

Oct 17

Attendees @allthatyazz @kelenelee @sandraberjan @rachelita2 @winoue90

A potential new researcher Ayah came to observe this meeting. Yas went over Bonnie’s feedback of our team from their 1-on-1. I presented my recommendations based on two observation sessions I did with two design teams. Sandra presented the copy she worked on this week. We debated the pros and cons of releasing the product in two weeks.

allthatyazz commented 1 year ago

Oct 24

Attendees @allthatyazz @winoue90 @sandraberjan @rachelita2 @kelenelee

Sandra presented the latest design work to the team and Rachel, Wataru and Yas provided some recommendations. Kelene joined at the end of the meeting and worked with Sandra to coordinate meeting times for the following days.

This week, Sandra and Debbie met every day and Kelene participated in some of their sessions and provided consultation based on users' data.

Meeting highlights

Direction for this week and the next one

Official HfLA operation will be closed for the month of December. That means no general onboarding and no stakeholder meetings. Monday 11/7 is the deadline to present work to Bonnie for her final approval before publishing the HfLA Figma Kit V1 to the CoP. This is the only way we can get something out of the door before the end of the year and save the DS project from getting dismantled.

allthatyazz commented 1 year ago

Oct 31

Attendees @allthatyazz a new joiner Nirae.
This meeting happened on Halloween so the regular team members could not attend the meeting. PM met with the new joiner and explained the project and the different things we did for the full hour.

Nov 7

Attendees @allthatyazz @sandraberjan @rachelita2 @winoue90 @edela0015

allthatyazz commented 1 year ago

For the last three meetings of 2022, we experimented with a new agenda format in FigJam. The notes below are directly from FigJam agenda and for documentation purposes, PM added the status for the action items.


Attendees: Yas, Rachel, Sandra, Khanh (New joiner)

Meeting Summary
PM, research lead, and content lead put down stickies first and we prioritized them and discussed the next steps. image Action Items for next steps


Attendees: Yas, Rachel, Khanh, Faezeh (New Joiner) Meeting Summary Rachel, Faezeh, Khanh, and Yas talked about the potential path for the research in 2023. We did a walkthrough of Google Drive and different studies.


Attendees: Yas, Wataru, Rachel, Sandra, Khanh, Faezeh Meeting Summary and notes This was the last meeting of the year. Khanh presented a re-imagined version of Figma Kit. The team praised the hard work and discussed the possible next steps for the year 2023.