Buttons are one of the very basics of any component library. Creating a sticker sheet for them to be used by other projects would guide the way forward with other projects.
This project is heavily reliant on the Atomic Design process. As explained by the HfLA Design System Guide for Designers, it is the simplest way to go through all the possible steps that are required for this component part.
Action Items
Creating a small stickersheet for the buttons component.
[ ] Rounded Edges and Squared Edges
[ ] Normal, Hover, Pressed and Disabled sequence
[ ] Primary Buttons (those used everywhere)
[ ] Seconday Buttons (those used sparingly)
[ ] Word Buttons (links etc)
These are some projects that can help get started.
Buttons are one of the very basics of any component library. Creating a sticker sheet for them to be used by other projects would guide the way forward with other projects.
This project is heavily reliant on the Atomic Design process. As explained by the HfLA Design System Guide for Designers, it is the simplest way to go through all the possible steps that are required for this component part.
Action Items
Creating a small stickersheet for the buttons component.
These are some projects that can help get started.
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