hackforla / design-systems

Empowering every HfLA team to create their own design system. 🛠️ 🧰 Please see our readme for more info!
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Prep project boards for Migration #528

Open Rabia2219 opened 2 months ago

Rabia2219 commented 2 months ago


We need to prepare the Project Boards for the forced migration that GitHub is doing in August, so that it is already working well for the team by then.

Action Items

Repeat first 3 steps for each card


Classic Project board URL(s):

New Project board URL(s): None

Rabia2219 commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card, Documentation, ABOUT

###### [🔙 to other boards](https://github.com/hackforla/design-systems/projects)
###### [Why was this board created?](https://github.com/hackforla/design-systems/milestone/23)
### Milestone filters
[🚩 Project revival](?card_filter_query=milestone%3A%22project+revival%22#card-81016320)
[🚩 Transitioning to new team lineup](?card_filter_query=milestone%3A%22transitioning+to+new+team+lineup%22#card-81016320)
[🚩 User needs interviews](?card_filter_query=milestone%3A%22user+needs+interviews%22#card-81016320)
[🚩 Github heuristic evaluation](?card_filter_query=milestone%3A%22github+heuristic+evaluation%22#card-81016320)
Rabia2219 commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card, DS Team Initiatives, START HERE

[Project one sheet (Six-month Roadmap)](https://github.com/hackforla/product-management/blob/master/project-one-sheets/Design-Systems-One-Sheet.pdf)

### Links

- Make a [new issue](https://github.com/hackforla/design-systems/issues/new/choose)
- See [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BE2bwPuBxKWtQPGw-Mn1pEvDGivawaRp?usp=share_link) (for DS members only)
- See [Figma Project](https://www.figma.com/files/project/39879901/Design-Systems-Team-Folder?fuid=874819519832324563) (for DS members only)
### Meetings
###### (Pacific time)
- Team: Mon 5:30pm, [Zoom](https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84568818415?pwd=WkNzWUtTa01Td3d3NWlLQTk2VDlkdz09)
- UX/UI: Thurs 10:30am, [Zoom](https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82859066994?pwd=YUlqajlGM3BKeU5qbUU1Uk9ndVIzZz09)
- Research: Wed 1:30pm, [Zoom](https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89508717591?pwd=M2JiSVUwdjRTSjV3WUdTdUFaT1ltUT09)
- Content: Wed 3pm, [Zoom](https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85049697330?pwd=N3lyQy9CMmpjM)
Rabia2219 commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card, DS Team Initiatives, ICE BOX

Team "inventory" https://github.com/hackforla/product-management/issues/270