hackforla / expunge-assist

Expunge Assist is a free digital tool specifically designed to aid Californians with arrest and conviction histories in clearing their criminal records.
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1377 Apply Prettier GHA to only the Dev Branch #1389

Closed eburdekin closed 3 days ago

eburdekin commented 3 weeks ago

Fixes #1377

Changes made

Updated prettier-check.yml to only run on pull requests to dev by adding

if: github.event.pull_request.head.ref != 'dev'

Reason for changes

Currently the check runs both on the PR into the dev branch AND the PR into main. This second check is unnecessary since dev is used as a staging environment and we don't make changes directly to dev. To reduce redundancy, we only want to run the check once, on the PR from issue branches into dev.

eburdekin commented 2 weeks ago

@sydneywalcoff ah looks like it was because I originally opened the pull request on main. So changing the base branch from main to dev afterward didn't trigger the check. But just tested pushing a new commit and the check passed!