hackforla / expunge-assist

Expunge Assist is a free digital tool specifically designed to aid Californians with arrest and conviction histories in clearing their criminal records.
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EA: Content Writing Team Meeting Agenda #550

Open SamHyler opened 2 years ago

SamHyler commented 2 years ago


This issue tracks the running agenda for the Content team weekly meetings (Tuesdays 11AM PST)

Reply in the comment using this format to create weekly agenda.


# [Date] Agenda and Notes
### Attendees
- [ ] Sam
- [ ] Emma
- [ ] Yaz
- [ ] Cheryl
- [ ] Claudia
### Notetaker
- [ ] Sam 
- [ ] Emma
- [ ] Yaz
- [ ] Cheryl
- [ ] Claudia
### Accountability and Support Check
Review assignments for each team member
    - [ ] [Sam](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/assigned/SamHyler)
    - [ ] [Emma](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/projects/1?card_filter_query=label%3A%22role%3A+ux+content+writing%22+assignee%3Aemmathrash)
    - [ ] [Yaz](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/projects/1?card_filter_query=label%3A%22role%3A+ux+content+writing%22+assignee%3Aykleinbart)
    - [ ] [Cheryl](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/projects/1?card_filter_query=label%3A%22role%3A+ux+content+writing%22+assignee%3Acherylcline) 
    - [ ] [Claudia](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/projects/1?card_filter_query=label%3A%22role%3A+ux+content+writing%22+assignee%3Acjankowski23)
### Recurring items: 
- [ ] Content Stand Ups
### New Meeting Items
- [ ]
### FYI
- New [How to Create Issues](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/wiki/How-to-Create-Issues) Doc & Process
- [Understanding Expungement in CA](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MGeAWeTl3C_Eg6rsrmzdzsc_vX2aY3YX-ODdVlDe21o/edit#slide=id.p)
- [Missing pieces](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13GrI0nrf4JZJVULP8er_pNw0xAEOjvd_F6KjvLoOp1A/edit#heading=h.1tungtdu1hxe) for content guidelines
- Keep Updating the [SoT](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c_Kv_T1yER-hHckNl5zkGrlGaLNCE_AeZE6Jjmn8IK0/edit?pli=1#gid=368137937)

### Notes from Meeting
- [ ] 
### Task Items
- [ ] 
### Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ] 
SamHyler commented 9 months ago

[September 15, 2023] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

SamHyler commented 9 months ago

[September 22, 2023] Agenda and Notes




Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

SamHyler commented 9 months ago

[September 29, 2023] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meeting

[Research Updates]



Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

CBx3000 commented 8 months ago

[October 13, 2023] Agenda and Notes Attendees • Yasmin • Cheryl • Curtis • Sam

Notetaker ☐ Yasmin ☐ Curtis ☐ Sam

Accountability and Support Check • [ ]

Recurring items: • [ ]

New Meeting Items ☐ New member intros ☐ Content Team Overview + Flow ☐ Alexis & Cheryl off boarding ?

FYI • [ ] Notes from Meeting Task Items: • [ ] Items for next week's agenda ☐ SOT discussion ☐ Emma sync with Sam and Curtis

SamHyler commented 8 months ago

[October 20, 2023] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meeting

[General Notes ]

[New SOT System (Copy Doc)]

[V&T Updates]

Task Items

Items for next week's agenda

CBx3000 commented 8 months ago

[October 27, 2023] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meeting

Items for next week's agenda

SamHyler commented 8 months ago

[November 10, 2023] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meeting

Items for next week's agenda

CBx3000 commented 7 months ago

[November 17, 2023] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meetings

Items for next week's agenda

Happy Holidays !

CBx3000 commented 5 months ago

[January 12, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meetings

Sam is in the midst of PHD and will be offloading work to Curtis and Emma. Put questions in Slack and Curtis and Emma will answer ASAP.

On Mondays, the PM and Dev meetings will be made into one meeting (will be at 4:30 pm PST).

Every meeting going forward, we will take on a portion of our voice and tone exercise. We can also tackle this async as well.

Emma and Yaz will continue working on Alt-text and decide whether we need to do an app-wide audit. Will probably need to create a separate issue for accessibility.

Content and Design Collab Process

Trying to come up with a better way to collab with design. Thinking about treating each issue like a sprint.

Yaz will share Source of Truth next meeting.

Voice and Tone Exercises: Will resume next week

Items for next week's agenda

-[ ] Resume V & T Exercise

CBx3000 commented 4 months ago

[February 8, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meetings

Items for next week's agenda

CBx3000 commented 4 months ago

[February 15, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meetings

Items for next week's agenda

CBx3000 commented 4 months ago

[February 22, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meetings

Items for next week's agenda

CBx3000 commented 4 months ago

[February 29, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items



Notes from Meetings

Items for next week's agenda

CBx3000 commented 3 months ago

[March 7, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Notes from Meetings

Items for next week's agenda

CBx3000 commented 3 months ago

[March 14, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items


Items for next week's agenda

emmathrash commented 3 months ago

[March 21, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items: New Meeting Items

FYI New How to Create Issues Doc & Process : https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/wiki/How-to-Create-Issues Sync Proposal : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nb6dHrHbdZ4ZSSAWSUKSTFie30awP1xTTQNA6iFUpRE/edit?pli=1

Notes from Meeting

Content Standups:

Claudia- 404 Page- Claudia did some edits and, after some feedback, chose an option for the 404 page copy.

Claudia is going to take on the “Oops!” page issue. Going to merge it with the 404 page issue.

Cheryl- Had some edits and notes from the feedback last week. Emma shared additional notes from Sam.

Yaz- Privacy Policy looks good. Emma will ping Curtis to try to get it in front of Bonnie for their meeting. Should show it off to Dev as well.

Emma- Wants to start working on content guidelines. There will be multiple sections, including research terminology, grammar, trauma informed language, differences between voice and tone, etc.

If we have any ideas on what to add into the content guidelines, feel free to add them in.

Yaz will take on Advice page issue.

Items for Next Week's Agenda

CBx3000 commented 3 months ago

[March 28, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items: New Meeting Items

FYI New How to Create Issues Doc & Process : https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/wiki/How-to-Create-Issues Sync Proposal : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nb6dHrHbdZ4ZSSAWSUKSTFie30awP1xTTQNA6iFUpRE/edit?pli=1

Notes from Meeting Claudia : 404 Page & Oops page

Dev/d Syd Input :

Cheryl : About us Page : Research racialize individual term and inclusive language

Items for Next Week's Agenda

emmathrash commented 2 months ago

[April 11th, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items: New Meeting Items

FYI New How to Create Issues Doc & Process : https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/wiki/How-to-Create-Issues

Notes from Meeting Goal Date for Stakeholder Prep - Mid June Follow up on Monday about the Privacy Policy Template during PM meeting About page has been moved up to the next milestone and ready for a re-design. Advice and Oops page pending additional information and teaming up with design. To be brought up at the all teams meeting.

Items for Next Week's Agenda

emmathrash commented 2 months ago

[April 18th, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items: New Meeting Items

FYI New How to Create Issues Doc & Process : https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/wiki/How-to-Create-Issues Research Team Glossary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D19tbPqQkFzHYF2GemsZDDdMjbUM6jh6E6ArYWS-WIo/edit#heading=h.n5tb1h4qmf0f

Notes from Meeting

Items for Next Week's Agenda

emmathrash commented 2 months ago

[April 25th, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items

FYI New How to Create Issues Doc & Process : https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/wiki/How-to-Create-Issues Research Team Glossary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D19tbPqQkFzHYF2GemsZDDdMjbUM6jh6E6ArYWS-WIo/edit#heading=h.n5tb1h4qmf0f

Notes from Meeting

Content standups

Claudia: Refinement of error message strategy. Avoiding blaming language such as "You refreshed the page" in favor of "the page refreshed" (appropriate use of passive in this case).

Is "the declaration" the correct terminology (vs. "the declaration letter"? Will be addressed in Sylvia's presentation).

Cheryl: Looked over Sylvia's presentation deck. Awaiting the conclusion of Sylvia's presentation and her suggestions.

General onboarding discussion: Is the request for "proper punctuation" exclusionary and inaccessible? The most important part is making sure there are periods and complete sentences instead of run-on sentences.

Are "profanity" and "slang" too similar? Is "profanity" an accessible word?

"Cussing" is too informal; might go with "swearing." Might be too California-specific.

Tooltips might help with giving in-tool writing advice. Sam will check with Sydney about coding tooltips and auto-capitalization tools.

Should there be a Go Home button? What page do we want the user to return to?

Research on best practices for optimal character counts is just starting; anyone should feel free to contribute.

Content guidelines will be content's main priority for Stakeholder 2.

Items for Next Week's Agenda

emmathrash commented 1 month ago

[May 9th, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items

FYI New How to Create Issues Doc & Process : https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/wiki/How-to-Create-Issues Understanding Expungement in CA: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MGeAWeTl3C_Eg6rsrmzdzsc_vX2aY3YX-ODdVlDe21o/edit#slide=id.p Maria's survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTYCz7-88F1GwuVDSlwf6Ks-kSM9bmUxQnDSUKccQv6NNH7Q/viewform Missing pieces for content guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13GrI0nrf4JZJVULP8er_pNw0xAEOjvd_F6KjvLoOp1A/edit#heading=h.1tungtdu1hxe

Notes from Meeting

Items for Next Week's Agenda

emmathrash commented 1 month ago

[May 23rd, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items

FYI New How to Create Issues Doc & Process : https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/wiki/How-to-Create-Issues Understanding Expungement in CA: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MGeAWeTl3C_Eg6rsrmzdzsc_vX2aY3YX-ODdVlDe21o/edit#slide=id.p Maria's survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTYCz7-88F1GwuVDSlwf6Ks-kSM9bmUxQnDSUKccQv6NNH7Q/viewform Missing pieces for content guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13GrI0nrf4JZJVULP8er_pNw0xAEOjvd_F6KjvLoOp1A/edit#heading=h.1tungtdu1hxe

Notes from Meeting Notes:

Privacy Policy- Bonnie doesn’t have it yet, but is still working on it.

Facilitating Meetings- Still need some help with facilitating meetings for content

Dev Handoff procedure- Sam has some things to discuss about dev handoff process

Open Sync- For the past couple of weeks, there have been discussions about how the overall process can be improved. Go into the Figjam to voice your opinions.

Content Standups:

Claudia- She is working on her final version. Now is wondering where to send for approval.

Cheryl- Reached out to Sylvia about Github issue. Will try to resolve and try to get the notes out.

Yaz- Christina brought up the idea of placeholder text in the input fields. Putting it there could influence answers.Content agrees that placeholder text may not be beneficial.

Items for Next Week's Agenda

emmathrash commented 1 month ago

[May 30th, 2024] Agenda and Notes



Accountability and Support Check

Recurring items:

New Meeting Items

FYI New How to Create Issues Doc & Process : https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/wiki/How-to-Create-Issues Understanding Expungement in CA: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MGeAWeTl3C_Eg6rsrmzdzsc_vX2aY3YX-ODdVlDe21o/edit#slide=id.p Missing pieces for content guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13GrI0nrf4JZJVULP8er_pNw0xAEOjvd_F6KjvLoOp1A/edit#heading=h.1tungtdu1hxe Keep Updating the SoT: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c_Kv_T1yER-hHckNl5zkGrlGaLNCE_AeZE6Jjmn8IK0/edit?pli=1#gid=368137937

Notes from Meeting


Items for Next Week's Agenda

emmathrash commented 2 weeks ago

[June 20th] Agenda and Notes


Notes from Meeting

Emma: Bonnie did her stakeholder review last Friday. Watch the ~ 2-hour video if you can; you can skip the developer section; detailed notes in summary of issue.

Prioritize content guidelines, then start on Bonnie's stakeholder review.

The board migrated to a new version - struggling to understand what it means for us. Bookmark new link and wiki.

Next: finish source of truth

Grammar guidelines beginning

For example: Avoid exclamation points, contractions, and semicolons

Punctuation on bullets: punctuate full sentences.

Sentence length, character count

Which pronouns: you or I?

One idea per sentence; what is the ideal paragraph length? Will the generator automatically space sentences?


Task Items