hackforla / google-drive-migration

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Drive Audit: BallotNav #65

Open kcoronel opened 1 year ago

kcoronel commented 1 year ago



We need to audit the drive so that we can know what files to move and if the receiving end is ready.


Action Items


For each of the following items, there are instructions in the wiki. Copy the instruction for next item to be checked off (must do them in order), to a comment below and then complete the item, and hide the comment.


File Moving


Project specific links

2.1 Program Area: Voting and Representation 2.2 BallotNav old GDrive 2.3 BallotNav new GDrive 2.4 BallotNav Roster 2.5 BallotNav Drive Migration Audit Still inside project shared drive at the moment, most likely will move to BallotNav shared drive for the PMs 2.6 [older migration template - audit and move info into new template]

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

Find Program Area

If no Program Area found

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

Get Old Drive link

If the old folder does not exist

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

Identify if there are files in the old folder

If there are no files to move

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

Check that drivemigration@ has access to New Google Drive for this project

If drivemigration@ does not have access

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

Get Project Roster link

If Project Roster not found in new drive

Want to share the instructions about how to Search Google Drive? Link to the below resource

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

Prepare for audit

*Note: Do not hide this comment if it's the most recent action taken on the issue

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

Notes from prior issue #5

Copied from today's 2022-06-27 slack 1 on 1 with stacy

Stacey (she/her) 1:08 PM Hi Brian- This is Stacey from the BallotNav project. We could use some assistance with our Google Migration issue. We have a few users who we need to work with to move their files, but are having a hard time getting in touch with them. What support can you offer us to help get this done?

Brian Chen 1:16 PM Hi Stacy, do you have the Drive Audit Spreadsheet? There is an email template in that spreadsheet that we have had the most success with in terms of reaching out to members, or is there a different problem with reaching out to those members?

Stacey (she/her) 1:36 PM We've mostly been sending messages via the GitHub issue, and it has been being able to stay on top of it with the members who are no longer part of the project. But we have not, as far as I know, tried the email template. What is the Issue number for the Migration, with the checklist of items? We created our own but it might not cover everything that needs to get done. Is there a link to the Audit spreadsheet in that issue?

Brian Chen 1:48 PM Hi stacy, I have assigned the issue to you, here is the link : https://github.com/hackforla/google-drive-migration/issues/5 This should have everything you need, and please update your progress in the issue and let us know of any problems so we can help you along.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

Create Audit Template

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty I finished the BallotNav Drive Migration Audit - we can review on Saturday

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

Registration link for invite to Tuesday Drive Migration Party (2/21/23 and 2/28) - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0uce-vrjsrHNSBA9A8v4YaMkkLN4yr1UVV

Registration link for invite to Saturday morning Drive Migration Party (2/18/23 and 2/25/23) - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kc--gpzwiEtzuLjgNGGFu0tQ13KyQRTEN

Email Template: Hi Bonnie,

We are currently migrating all the files from an old Google Drive to a new Hack for LA website Google Drive. We are doing this so the Hack for LA Google account can take ownership of all the files. This will help us as we move forward in a volunteer capacity so as not to lose important data.

I'm reaching out to ask you, an owner of files in the old drive, to migrate your files to the new drive. I estimate it will take no more than 10 min.

You can join us at any of the following times. Clicking on the link will provide a calendar invite you can use to mark the date.

📅 UX Research Lead Meeting Wednesday 12-1pm PST

📅 UX Research Team Meeting Wednesday 2-3pm PST

📅 All Team Meeting Sunday 10-12am PST

If none of these times work for you, please let us know when would be a good time for you next week.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you so much for your help.

Best, Bonnie, Charity & Brian from the Google Drive Migration team & Vaisali Krishna Kumar the new Research Lead

kcoronel commented 1 year ago


Hi [Name],

We are currently migrating all the files from an old Google Drive to a new Hack for LA website Google Drive. We are doing this so the Hack for LA Google account can take ownership of all the files. This will help us as we move forward in a volunteer capacity so as not to lose important data.

I'm reaching out to ask you, an owner of files in the old drive, to migrate your files to the new drive. I estimate it will take no more than 10 min.

You can join us at any of the following times. Clicking on the link will provide a calendar invite you can use to mark the date.

📅 BallotNav Team Meeting Tuesday, February 21 | 6-6:30pm PST

📅 BallotNav Team Meeting Tuesday, February 28 | 6-6:30pm PST

📅 1Password Modeling Meeting Saturday, February 18 | 9-10am PST

📅 1Password Modeling Meeting Saturday, February 25 | 9-10am PST

If none of these times work for you, please let us know when would be a good time for you next week.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you so much for your help.

Best, Karen