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Onboarding: Prakhar Singh #100

Closed designer2209 closed 1 year ago

designer2209 commented 2 years ago


We need an unbiased review of the gather presentation so that we can improve it.

Additional Details

You will be working on guide during this issue, but the purpose of this issue is to evaluate and improve the Gather Examples and Interview Teams presentation.

Action Items


When you do your update please provide

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (if necessary): "Add any pictures that will help illustrate what you are working on."
designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Progress: Selected a Guide to work on How to Present Your Work (UX Research), Reached Slide 12 of GP: How to Gather Examples and Interview Teams (CoP presentation)

Blockers: Stuck on Slide 12 right now so trying to understand the process mentioned on that slide as I go through the PPT.

Availability: I should have about 6 hours, more if I don't get too much workload.

ETA: Apologies but I can't say for sure, I just took on the issue so I need to go through the documentation of the issue itself and the "How to gather example" ppt.

Pictures (if necessary): Currently there aren't any to share right now.

SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

@designer2209 Thanks for your update, you can reach out if you are still stuck. I've also checked your observations, and we will review and try to resolve them at the next meeting. Your ETA doesn't have to be a specific time, not knowing when is also a good ETA 😊

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Resolved comments today. Also added several new slides to the Slack method 4. @designer2209 will add some more slides with instructions after slide 22 in order to make it clear to new people how to find the items once they viewed the specific comment in the slack.

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Added Slide 23 and Slide 24. Slide 23 has a video embedded into it and you can find that video in my drive Hack4LA Guides-Gather Example Method 4.mp4. Take a look at the slides and if there are any other changes to be made please do let me know.

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Progress: Currently working on the Guide: How to Present Your Work (UX Research), to be specific I am going through 311 Data's slack channel and gathering examples. I've added some info in the comments section of the Guide itself.

Blockers: No blockers as of now.

Availability: I have a couple of interviews and 2 side projects this week so I don't know how often I'll be available, but I will try to be put in as much time as I can.

ETA: I think I might be able to go through 311 Data's slack channel within a two to three days.

Pictures (if necessary): image

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

During today's meeting, we reviewed progress on slides for Method 4. Prakhar will update the video to be as short as possible and make sure its stored in the drive.

designer2209 commented 2 years ago
designer2209 commented 2 years ago
designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Update the word document GT: Notes on Gather presentation - Prakhar with the following:

Slide 7: Added the remaining CoPs in the list, only the ones that had “Templated and Guides” board link on the Community of Practice Guide Project Boards on GitHub.

Slide 16: Added a new screenshot for “Finding Examples: Method 1 Exercise”, the text in the slide says “Let’s try Method 2 together!” Should I remove that? Because that slide is a continuation of Slide 15.

Slide 18: Made slight adjustments to the content on the slide.

Slide 19: Added a screenshot for an example where we did find some results by looking at the issue tab.

Slide 42: Added this slide and the screenshot mentioned in the table above for Slide 41.

Flowchart for Slide 33 remains, I'll be doing that over this weekend.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

We covered all the comments above. Prakar will make additional changes.

designer2209 commented 2 years ago
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Looked at slides above

designer2209 commented 2 years ago
SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago
  • Made the changes in the Figjam file mentioned during the meeting.
  • Will work on the screenshots tomorrow.

@designer2209 How's it going with the screenshots?

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

I have yet to take the screenshots, I have some job interview related work which usually doesn't take long but I haven't been feeling well so it might take longer than expected, but I will do it before Monday's meeting.

designer2209 commented 2 years ago
SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

@designer2209 Thanks for the update, Bonnie will review the screenshots when she's available

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Prakhar will change the shape of the diamonds to parallelogram on slide 38

designer2209 commented 2 years ago
designer2209 commented 2 years ago
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

provided update on issue https://github.com/hackforla/UI-UX/issues/24#issuecomment-1124878968 on 2022-05-12

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Updated the Guide Issue with:

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Finished gathering examples from the following projects:

Personal Query

SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

@designer2209 Thanks for sharing updates consistently 😀

designer2209 commented 2 years ago
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

311 Tech: React, Redux, Material-UI, Mapbox, AWS, FastAPI, Redis, PostgreSQL, Prefect, Docker

Code for: http://civictechindex.org/organizations?contrib=0&status=any

Food Cycle: we partnered with them to embed food oasis on their website https://github.com/hackforla/food-oasis/wiki/Embedding-Food-Oasis-in-Your-Web-Site

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Started gathering examples from the Issues Tab of the projects.

Need access to some files to review them, I have mentioned them in my comment on the guide issue.

I might have about 4-6 hours this week as I now have a job (yay).

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Access issue has been sorted. Will wait for next update

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Finished gathering examples from the Issues Tab of the projects and will be moving on to the "Project Board Card Links", throughout the next week (hopefully will be done before next Friday).

Need access to some files to review them, I have mentioned them in my comment on the guide issue.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

I gave access to all the assets and found some additional links for @designer2209

designer2209 commented 2 years ago
SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

@designer2209 Please provide an update using these guidelines

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (if necessary): "Add any pictures that will help illustrate what you are working on."
designer2209 commented 2 years ago
designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Progress: I haven't gone through all the project board card links yet, the ones after Green Earth Oasis are remaining.

Blockers: No blockers as of yet.

Availability: The coming week I have about 4 hours

ETA: By Tuesday (2nd August)

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Started connecting with other teams on Slack, will keep a log of all the conversations that takes place in the respective threads of each slack channel in this comment

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

Progress: I have been able to connect with members of 100 Automations, 311 Data, Access the Data, BallotNav, Civic Opportunity, Civic Tech (Index, Jobs), Design System, Engage and Expunge Assist regarding what their Lead UX Researchers or Project Managers are using as a template or a guideline to present their UX research work. The updated communication summary is linked onto this comment.

Blockers: Haven't had a response from Civic Opportunity, and apart from the projects that I reached out to recently only BallotNav had some sort of template to share which is present in my guide issue as well.

BallotNav Communications Guide for Document Creation INTERNAL to present their UX Research work

Availability: This week I am available for 6 hours

ETA: Not sure, the time difference slows down the communication aspect and I have some personal work to deal with so I am less online than usual.

designer2209 commented 2 years ago

I've rephrased my messages on Slack that I've sent to the Lead UX researchers or PMs of the respective projects. Hopefully I was able to do it right this time, I have updated them in the comment of my guide issues as well.

edwardsarah commented 1 year ago

@designer2209 are you planning to continue to work with the guides team? Please let me know if we should anticipate any further work on the style guide, or if we should take steps to offboard you at this time.

designer2209 commented 1 year ago

Hi @edwardsarah, apologies for the late response and at this point of time I am unfortunately unable to commit any time to the Guides Teams as of now so you could go ahead offboard me.

Again, apologies for any inconveniences. 😓

edwardsarah commented 1 year ago

Ok, I will close this issue then. Thank you for all of the work you've done!