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Team Questions #149

Open jianwangcat opened 10 months ago

jianwangcat commented 10 months ago


We need to have our questions documented so that we can answer them in writing and add recurring questions to the Wiki.

Action Items



jianwangcat commented 10 months ago

Can you provide an overview of the various stages in our project's lifecycle and identify which stage we're currently in? For instance, are we at the ideation, planning, customer survey, execution, or testing phase?

jianwangcat commented 10 months ago

What are the key responsibilities assigned to the product manager in this project, and where would you recommend I begin to focus my efforts?

jianwangcat commented 10 months ago

What specific areas are we focusing our research efforts on in this project? (i.e. What are we researching on right now?) Additionally, what role does the product manager play in the research process?

jianwangcat commented 10 months ago

Is there a defined timeline for the launch of our product? If so, could you outline the major milestones and deadlines?

edwardsarah commented 10 months ago

What specific areas are we focusing our research efforts on in this project? (i.e. What are we researching on right now?) Additionally, what role does the product manager play in the research process?

Our current research focus is Phase 1 of the guide making process - Gather Examples Solo. We need to understand if the guidance we've put together for Phase 1 of the guide-making process (Gathering Examples) effectively:

The product manager prioritizes and delegates the work that needs to be done to make sure the research process can run smoothly. It's important to think strategically about what the aims of the research process are and plan meeting agendas to discuss the most important issues for moving the project forward. While Rhoda will create the research plan and be responsible for recruiting her team (when we're in that part of the process), the PM will focus more on removing any roadblocks for UX Research and coming up with the structure of the pilot process (how often are we meeting with the new PMs? what are we hoping to cover in each session? when are we ready to start recruiting them? how do we need to prep the guide issues we've identified so they're ready for new PMs to use them?)

edwardsarah commented 10 months ago

What are the key responsibilities assigned to the product manager in this project, and where would you recommend I begin to focus my efforts?

The key thing is understanding where we are in our current efforts and proactively coming up with solutions to keep the project moving. For example:

Other general responsibilities are:

At the most basic level, you can focus on the organizational aspects of being a PM. When you meet with Bonnie, make agendas and take minutes on your discussions. If action items come up, get into the habit of creating new issues for them, and make sure you understand how to track updates on issues using comments. I would also make sure that you really understand the different aspects of Phase 1. Not just the presentations, but also the issues and the content in the wiki, and how we're expecting people to use them. Once you've found your footing with those, we can chat more about what efforts should be made so you can be the main PM on the research process.

edwardsarah commented 10 months ago

Can you provide an overview of the various stages in our project's lifecycle and identify which stage we're currently in? For instance, are we at the ideation, planning, customer survey, execution, or testing phase?

We use an agile approach to developing guidance, so we shift fairly often between planning, execution, and release of updates from week to week. If we're talking about the pilot program specifically, I would say we're in the planning phase of that project - our main focus is setting up the structure and research plan so we can get useful feedback from the PMs who will go through Phase 1 of creating a guide.

A more helpful way to think about the direction of the guides team may be to look at the How to Make a Guide: Overview slide deck. Once we've gotten feedback on the Phase 1 presentation decks and used that to improve the existing guidance, we will move on to testing and improving the Phase 2 presentation decks and so on, using feedback from each test to improve the guidance for future steps.

edwardsarah commented 10 months ago

Is there a defined timeline for the launch of our product? If so, could you outline the major milestones and deadlines?

Ideally, Q1 of 2024, but we don't currently set hard deadlines. As we plan the pilot, it may prove to be infeasible to launch in that timeline. Among other reasons, the nature of volunteer work and the availability of new PMs for testing and the constraints on the guides team may shift timelines.

Our first milestone is developing the research plan for the pilot.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 10 months ago

On this comment https://github.com/hackforla/guides/issues/149#issuecomment-1818897964 Sarah says

Our current research focus is Phase 1 of the guide making process - Gather Examples Solo. We need to understand if the guidance we've put together for Phase 1 of the guide-making process (Gathering Examples) effectively:

  • teaches new PMs how to make a guide

In order to understand this, you have to look at this guidance https://github.com/hackforla/guides/wiki/Guide-Resources#instructions-for-how-to-work-with-guides which will help each new volunteer at hack for LA to both learn how to use GitHub and see how different projects are structured, and connect them with people on existing projects, so that they can bring their "beginner mind" and ask questions that will enable knowledge transfer, that the new person will then document.

Our first cohort of participants will be PMs. After we improve the delivery of the workshops, then we will expand it out to all other practice areas.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 10 months ago

Goals for the workshop delivery is to help people understand

  1. how GitHub works
  2. where projects are storing information
  3. how their information storage affects the ability of the project and organization to reuse information
  4. How to document findings
  5. how to use GitHub to track work
  6. limitations of slack and how to work around them
  7. what to do when you are managing your own project.
JesseTheCleric commented 1 month ago

Concerning Agenda 2024-08-16, @edwardsarah "I will leave creating the issues for VRMS and the website team because I think it could be good practice for Jesse to handle that this time"

Creating the issue with the template shown seems pretty straightforward, to be clear, I am simply requesting PM admin access to the Website and VRMS projects through this issue?

edwardsarah commented 1 month ago

Creating the issue with the template shpwn seems pretty straightforward, to be clear, I am simply requesting PM admin access to the Website and VRMS projects through this issue?

@JesseTheCleric I put this as a bullet point assuming you'd get to this at the meeting, and Bonnie would be able to explain this, so sorry for the lack of clarity here.

For the website, you create the issue every time a new member joins the team, so that the website team can add them to our project page. Since this didn't get actioned, and we have another open issue for updating the page that the website team hasn't dealt with, I've just edited that original issue. No need to worry about it, other than keeping tabs on it to make sure it's been done.

For the VRMS issue, yes, you are requesting PM Admin access for new PMs on the team. I've got access already, but you, France, and Aditya will need to be added to the system. You can get the info you need for this (slack handle and email) from the Guides team roster. Once you've created the issue, add it to the team agenda so we can keep tabs on that as well. I'm not sure if we have anyone on there that needs to be removed, so we should check in about this at our meeting today.