hackforla / guides

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CoP Templates and Guides Board Migration #169

Open edwardsarah opened 1 month ago

edwardsarah commented 1 month ago


GitHub is retiring classic project boards. We need to migrate all guides to the new Guides Tracker from the old project boards.

Action Items


Instructions to Copy

## [COP Name]
### Checklist
- [ ] Check if the CoP has already created a new board. If so, link here: [INSERT LINK]
- [ ] Check the Guides Tracker Completeness for any guide issues not on the classic project board
- [ ] Add any missing issues to the classic project board
- [ ] Add the label for the COP to all issues
- [ ] Add all issues to the new Guides Tracker
- [ ] Check that they have been added correctly
- [ ] Create a new view on the Guides Tracker for that CoP
    - [ ] Duplicate the existing view
    - [ ] Rename the view
    - [ ] Filter by the CoP

### Project Board Card Text
[copy each project board card here as a copy block]
edwardsarah commented 4 weeks ago

Engineering. Templates and Guides Board

Engineering Templates and Guides - New Guides Tracker


Project Board Card Text


[Career development roadmaps](https://roadmap.sh/roadmaps)

We are creating guides that will help future HfLA volunteers at Hack for LA, and add to valuable shared documentation between all teams.

[Resources](https://github.com/hackforla/guides/wiki/Guide-Resources)  to help you navigate making, contributing and using Guides 
**Hack for LA png**

![Hack for LA png](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/103038336-0a112600-4523-11eb-975e-25b942f7bc2e.png)
[How to add screenshot & graphics to your guide](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1liK5u5_jKa06h3pFng4O7zC9pcf_jJsN/view)
[Software Development Lifecycle](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uZ5QG0N4--nQ-jMy1BfKuZSe7Wumhtb3/view) encompasses all steps needed to take a product from concept to market availability. 
[Design Sprint Templates](https://designsprintkit.withgoogle.com/resources/overview) that were recommended by Maicol of Super by Design
Use this [Full Page Screen Capture Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gofullpage-full-page-scre/fdpohaocaechififmbbbbbknoalclacl?hl=en) capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably.
Use [Docs to Markdown Chrome Extension](https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/app/docs_to_markdown/700168918607) to convert a Google Doc to simple, readable Markdown or HTML.
Use this [Color Picker Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eye-dropper/hmdcmlfkchdmnmnmheododdhjedfccka/related) to get the right colors for text in One Sheets and on other documents.
edwardsarah commented 4 weeks ago


Ops Templates and Guides - New Guides Tracker


Project Board Card Text



We are creating guides that will help future HfLA volunteers at Hack for LA, and add to valuable shared documentation between all teams.

[Resources](https://github.com/hackforla/guides/wiki/Guide-Resources)  to help you navigate making, contributing and using Guides 

New Issue Approval

Future Guides
- Adding a project to incubator [#20](https://github.com/hackforla/ops/issues/20)
- How to access logs to debug with your team
- What to store in 1password (Secrets, ports tokens)
- When to graduate your project from incubator
- Setting up Dev & Production Environments 
   - AWS
   - Azure
   - gh-pages
- How to get added as a credentialed user on AWS
- Using Terraform
- Using Terragrunt (required for incubator)
- Setup Docker
edwardsarah commented 4 weeks ago

Ops board has some issues labeled feature: guide creation which do not appear to be guides. These have been omitted from the classic guides tracker. Additionally, other Ops issues will require rewrites to conform to the template for Guides.

edwardsarah commented 4 weeks ago


Admin Templates and Guides - New Guides Tracker


Project Board Card Text

Start Here/Links

- Start Here = Includes things like meeting times and zoom links, and anything the team members need to read.
- Welcome! 
We are creating guides that will help future HfLA volunteers at Hack for LA, and add to valuable shared documentation between all teams.
[Resources](https://github.com/hackforla/guides/wiki/Guide-Resources)  to help you navigate making, contributing and using Guides 
- Team meets
  - Sundays 2pm PDT
  - Adhoc 
- Links:
  - Slack channel [#admin-team](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/C027HDTJJ94)
  - [Default Project Board Template](https://github.com/hackforla/.github/projects/2)
  - [Admin Google Drive - new](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RC5Hx_nGhrYUNm8O-u1gbwC9bLrBy9I7?usp=sharing)
  - [Admin Google Drive - old](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16O2Ubj-gIGrXXJ2pTt4cVlPycmwQnKLi)
  - [Admin FAQ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vgLsPrGY_P6UlJeaoBw47Om2drmzqH0BT1XmRruIcUk/edit)
  - [Admin Team Roster](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wHXgc3ApcFGX_DGpur0pj4d3ocfPmfVilhr-Eop8ZaY/edit#gid=0)
  - [Recordings](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1i_mjlTp0tNfUiXeXN4YmbbuJg6iF-hPz)
  - [GitHub Repository Permission Levels Matrix](https://docs.github.com/en/organizations/managing-access-to-your-organizations-repositories/repository-permission-levels-for-an-organization)

- ### Platforms we use
(if you think of more please add)
 - Slack https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/2 (these are links to issues in the admin repo)
  - Meetup https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/3
  - GitHub https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/4
  - Gsuite https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/5
  - 1Password https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/6
  - Google Drive https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/7
  - Miro https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/11
  - Figma https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/12

Ice Box

- Icebox = issues identified that are going to get addressed, but are not being started yet because of other more pressing issues.  Or issues that are not fully developed.

- Admin calendar that shows deadlines/renewals, etc for the organization - KC 

New Issue Approval

- Bonnie will create a template issue in Marketing Repo for the social media logins in 1Password 
- 1 password, make sure there is a delete vault guide

Prioritized Backlog

- Prioritized Backlog = features that are ready to work and a priority.  This column should be prioritized by most important first.

In Progress

- In Progress = tasks that are actively being worked on by an individual team member and have been assigned to them in the issue.

Questions & Review

- Links/Questions/Review = Cards that have links that you need to get to often.  Issues that you are blocked on because you need an answer from another team member or other type of question/review.

#### Guidance for font decoration
##### Bold or Strong
Text or buttons that should be clicked/selected (e.g., Sign-In)
Choose the **Confirm** button.
##### Quotes
Text that the user enters word-for-word (e.g., user is instructed to enter xyz into this field)
Enter "/Remind" into the field
##### Itallics
Text that refers to something on the page
Their name and email will appear in the _Waiting to be Confirmed_ header.
edwardsarah commented 4 weeks ago

Link for the admin board on tracker completeness is incorrect. It omits all issues with the label 'feature: guide creation' rather than selecting them.

edwardsarah commented 4 weeks ago


Revenue Templates and Guides - New Guides Tracker


Project Board Card Text


edwardsarah commented 4 weeks ago


Marketing Templates and Guides - New Guides Tracker


Project Board Card Text


edwardsarah commented 4 weeks ago

Data Science

Data Science Templates and Guides - New Guides Tracker


Project Board Card Text


edwardsarah commented 4 weeks ago


Product Templates and Guides - New Guides Tracker


Project Board Card Text


We are creating guides that will help future HfLA volunteers at Hack for LA, and add to valuable shared documentation between all teams.
[Resources](https://github.com/hackforla/guides/wiki/Guide-Resources)  to help you navigate making, contributing and using Guides 
Use this [Color Picker Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eye-dropper/hmdcmlfkchdmnmnmheododdhjedfccka/related) to get the right colors for text in One Sheets and on other documents.
Hack for LA logo png 
![HfLA logo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/103038336-0a112600-4523-11eb-975e-25b942f7bc2e.png)
 [Design Sprint Templates](https://designsprintkit.withgoogle.com/resources/overview) that were recommended by Maicol of Super by Design

New Issue Approval

Showcase Deck
Marketing Board [Issue](https://github.com/hackforla/marketing/projects/1#card-51043445)
  _this goes to another card on another board

Project Showcase Deck



Using Images on HfLA projects
edwardsarah commented 3 weeks ago

Note: we did UI/UX together during the last meeting, but its project board cards will still need to be copied to preserve them!

JesseTheCleric commented 3 weeks ago

UI/UX Templates and Guides Board

UI/UX Templates and Guides - New Guides Tracker


Project Board Card Text



### Welcome! 

We are creating guides that will help future HfLA volunteers at Hack for LA, and add to valuable shared documentation between all teams.
### Resources

[Resources](https://github.com/hackforla/guides/wiki/Guide-Resources)  to help you navigate making, contributing and using Guides 
### Guidelines
  - Volunteers with over 3 weeks of inactivity are unassigned from their "guides" issue
  - Unassigned guide is moved back to prioritized backlog 
### Tracker

- Tracker: Templates & Guides [#15](https://github.com/hackforla/UI-UX/issues/15)


Learn Hack for LA' project's effective processes and practices by working on a guide issue! 💪
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 weeks ago

Guides Tracker old board

Needs to be Triaged

We are creating guides that will help current and future HfLA volunteers at Hack for LA, and add to valuable shared documentation between all teams.

Search for a guide by using this global project board. The Guides team uses this board to track progress of all the guides

See the Guides Team WIKI for details about: