hackforla / guides

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Guide Suggestions: UI/UX #172

Open edwardsarah opened 2 months ago

edwardsarah commented 2 months ago


There are a number of project board cards on the old UI/UX Templates and Guides board that are suggestions for guides. We need to evaluate whether these ideas should be made into actual guide issues or not.

Action Items

Evaluate the following guide suggestions and decide if they should be discarded or made into an issue:


edwardsarah commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card

Guide: Research Consent Form

Link to issue or reason it should not be made into a guide:

edwardsarah commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card

Guide: Figma Mirror

Link to issue or reason it should not be made into a guide:

edwardsarah commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card

Guide: Optimize LinkedIn for Jobs

Link to issue or reason it should not be made into a guide:

edwardsarah commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card

Empathy Mapping Guide

Link to issue or reason it should not be made into a guide:

edwardsarah commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card

Create a UX/UI CoP guide tracker https://github.com/hackforla/product-management/issues/128#issue-811836586

Link to issue or reason it should not be made into a guide:

edwardsarah commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card

Sass Variables Guide and Template (Covers typography, colors, etc.)

Link to issue or reason it should not be made into a guide:

edwardsarah commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card

Guide: Figma for Beginners

Link to issue or reason it should not be made into a guide:

edwardsarah commented 2 months ago

Text from project board card

How to cooperate on figma with more than two editors at once and without paid membership.
~[check this presentation](https://www.figma.com/proto/MX5lVWLMSTOCTDXRHaK4jF/Figma-Free-Co-op?node-id=1%3A59&viewport=582%2C464%2C0.735573410987854&scaling=scale-down "Figma free collaboration - presentation")~
This has been replaced with a new issue https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/19

Link to issue or reason it should not be made into a guide: Seems like it has already been made into an issue https://github.com/hackforla/admin/issues/19