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The Guides Team Will Talk to PM CoP About Guides #44

Open SheIsBukki opened 2 years ago

SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago


when all the issues from the CoPs have been triaged


We need to itemize the key points the Guides team will talk about with PM CoP so that we have a structured list of issues to address when we meet.

Action Items

Action Items for Post the Guide publications on hackforla.org website

The Challenge: "We have a lot of new PMs who are unaware of Hack For LA's internal resources and how these could help them with their product management journey"

Message from Ebele, Product Management Community of Practice Co-Lead

I see that you're the PM for the Guides team and I was wondering if you could have a talk with the PM CoP about guides. We have a lot of new PMs who are unaware of H4LA's internal resources and how these could help them with their product management journey Let me know if you're interested and we can talk further. If not, please recommend someone else that could speak on behalf of the Guides team. Thanks!



Recording from Product Management CoP presentation on how to work on a New Guide Start Time: Oct 27, 2021 05:46 PM Meeting Recording Access Passcode:


Recording from 2nd Product Management CoP presentation on how to work on a New Guide (more recent presentation) Topic: Product Management Community of Practice Start Time: Oct 29, 2021 09:58 AM

Meeting Recording Access Passcode:


Communications Guide folder

GP: CoP presentation draft all paths this draft has all of the paths. We are making one for each lesson

Draft Guides

GP: How to Gather Examples and Interview Teams for CoPs


GP: How to Review a Guide for CoP

PM, UX Next step is to review all the paths (ui/ux, product, etc.) to make sure there are issues and a person can claim them. - likely this will be after bonnie finishes triage.

GP: How to Work on an Unfinished Guide for CoP


Here is the unfinished guide label for UI/UX results

GP: How to Find a Guide that is Ready to Write a Template for

[PM - Draft] - Thuy Le PM - Draft Bonnie & Bukki]

In order to be able to make one for UX we need more issues with the template label. As of 2021-12-03 there is only one https://github.com/hackforla/UI-UX/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Guide%3A+Draft+Template%22

Presentations given

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Sort out what is different about these and update above

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

remake some of the links under resources so that they highlight the appropriate column

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Write back to Ebele and let her know Hi Ebele, the guides team can put together a presentation with helpful links about how to pickup guides (in all stages) based on their preference and what the workflow is. Is this what you are looking for? If so we can present on the 20th/22nd or later.

SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

Ebele replied;

Yes! And that's a perfect time to present! Thank you just let me know who would be presenting and I'll add he/she/them to the agenda

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Next Steps

Challenges: We don't have a slide deck template for the guides team yet.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

We have rescheduled for the 27/29th

SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

Ebele messaged on Slack on 10-15-2021

"I spoke to Bonnie and she wants us to move it to the 27th/29th That works for us."

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@carolzjy write some text for the slide new guide

@SheIsBukki write some text for guide to review

SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

How to Review a Guide - Bonnie

Step 1 Click the link to highlight issues for Guides that need reviewing on your community of practice project board below and choose a guide with the label "Need Peer Review"

Step 2 If someone is assigned to the guide, and they are not available to work on it anymore, confirm with the CoP Lead to un-assign them before you review the guide.

Step 3 Go through the standard format of writing a guide here (insert guide link) to compare the guide you're reviewing.

Step 4 Share your review insights with the person assigned to the guide or with the CoP lead. (I think they just need to make their review public for anyone to see right?)

Step 5 Once approved, remove the "Need Peer Review" label and add the "Leadership Review" label.

Links to the Community of Practice Boards, Guides that need reviewing:

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Let's add a quote or two from this https://github.com/hackforla/guides/issues/58#issuecomment-947944149

carolzjy commented 2 years ago

Please provide an update.

  1. Progress: have not had time to work on it
  2. Blockers: Time
  3. Availability: Should have more time later this week
  4. ETA: 10/24/21
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@SheIsBukki will work on How to find a guide that needs edits

SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

How to Edit a Guide - Bukki

Step 1 Click the link to highlight issues for Guides that need edits on your community of practice project board below:

Step 2 Choose a guide with the label "needs edit", assign yourself and move it to "In Progress (Actively Working)" column.

Step 3 If someone is assigned to the guide, and they are not available to work on it anymore, confirm with the CoP Lead to un-assign them before you edit the guide.

Step 4 Go through the standard format of writing a guide here (insert guide link) to compare the guide you're editing.

Step 5 Edit the guide. Once done, share with the CoP lead to review the newly edited guide, and remove the "Needs Edit" label upon approval, and add the "Needs Peer Review" label.

Links to the Community of Practice Board, Prioritized Backlog Column with Guides that have the "needs edit" label:

Add the needs edit label to each of these repos before sharing with other CoPs.

SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

How to Work on an Unfinished Guide - Carol

Step 1 Click the link to highlight issues for Guides that have been started but not finished on your community of practice project board below:

Step 2 Choose a guide from the "prioritized backlog" and assign yourself, and move it to "In Progress (Actively Working)" column.

Step 3 If someone is assigned to the guide, and they are not available to work on it anymore, confirm with the CoP Lead to un-assign them before you continue working on the guide.

Step 4 Go through the standard format of writing a guide here (insert guide link) to compare the guide you're working on.

Links to the Community of Practice Board, Prioritized Backlog Column with Guides that have been started but not finished (have a label other than the first label or last label):

carolzjy commented 2 years ago

How to find a new guide to work on - done

  1. Click the link to highlight issues for Guides that have not been started on your community of practice project board.
  2. Select a new guide that you would like to contribute to, and assign yourself to work on the guide.
  3. Go through the standard format of writing a guide here (insert guide link) to compare the guide you're working on with the standard and revise as needed.

Links to the Community of Practice Board, Prioritized Backlog Column with Guides that have not been started (issues that have the "TG: Gather Example" label):

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

We are only going to check to see if the text for the slide deck works for the Product Community of Practice. We will check all other links later.

thuyhle193 commented 2 years ago

How to Find a Guide that is Ready to Write a Template for - Thuy Le

Step 1 Click the link to highlight issues for Guides that are ready to write a template for on your community of practice project board below:

Step 2 If someone is assigned to the guide, and they are not available to work on it anymore, confirm with the CoP Lead to un-assign them before you continue working on the guide.

Step 3 Go through the standard format of writing a guide here (insert guide link) to compare the guide you're working on.

Links to the Community of Practice Board, Prioritized Backlog Column with Guides that is ready to write a template for (have a label "TG: Draft Template")

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Next steps for team are:

carolzjy commented 2 years ago

Please provide an update.

  1. Progress: Made a copy and started revising the slides
  2. Blockers: Time
  3. Availability: I should have more time on Sunday and Monday.
  4. ETA: 11/16/21
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@carolzjy @thuyhle193 - Bukki and I made good progress on GP: How to Work on an Unfinished Guide for CoP issue, and Bukki is going to continue to work on it.

@thuyhle193 can you provide a link to the slide deck that you are working on for the GP: How to Find a Guide that is Ready to Write a Template for If you have not started, please let us know so we can get a draft template started for you on Friday.

thuyhle193 commented 2 years ago

Please provide an update.

Progress: Haven't started yet Blockers: I have PM internship interviews coming this week so I don't have time to work on the issue Availability: I should have more time after Wednesday ETA: 11/19/21

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

We are on hold with GP: How to Find a Guide that is Ready to Write a Template for because there are not enough examples. Revisit when all the issues from the CoPs have been triaged

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Provided to UI/UX

How to Slide presentations for Guides

Provided to Product

How to Slide presentations for Guides

Same for both

SheIsBukki commented 2 years ago

Provided to UI/UX

Gather Examples and Interview Teams

Peer Review

Provided to Product

Peer Review

-- All others have product management links

Same for both

Complete draft that has been started

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Provided to UI/UX

How to Slide presentations for Guides

Provided to Product

How to Slide presentations for Guides

Same for both