hackforla / internship

The Internship project provides an opportunity for students to work on open source projects in the fields of software, product development, project management, and UI/UX research and design at LA’s fastest growing Civic Tech non-profit organization during their summer.
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TWE: Create Template Issue: Create Upload Form #341

Closed ExperimentsInHonesty closed 3 weeks ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago



We need to create a template issue for creating TWE: Research: Interview Upload Form: Create (named in the format as TWE: Role: Direct Object: Action Verb) so that we have a consistent, transparent, defined, and self-supporting structure for people creating them.

Resources/Instructions: This section is at the bottom of this issue (scroll to the bottom to view it now). You will be asked to add links to this section while completing the issue.

Action Items

Customize this issue

Customize the issue settings (located in right sidebar)

Change the issue settings to ensure the issue is properly categorized and easy to manage.

Customize template draft

Create a draft of new template, which will be known as our "draft".


Resources for creating this issue

1.01 Content to copy for draft

Draft of template issue for `TWE: Role: [Replace DIRECT OBJECT]: [Replace ACTION VERB]`
**name:** TWE: Template Issue: Role: [Replace ACTION VERB][Replace DIRECT OBJECT]
**about:** We are creating a template to complete `TWE: Role: [Replace DIRECT OBJECT]: [Replace ACTION VERB]` issue so we can stay consistent in our process
**title:** TWE: Research: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF RESEARCH METHOD]: [Replace DIRECT OBJECT]: [Replace ACTION VERB]
**labels:** 'feature: research', 'feature: missing', 'size: missing', 'Participant Type: missing', 'Research 000: missing', 'role:  UI/UX research', 'milestone: missing', 'complexity: missing'

#### Instructions for creating this issue
The person who creates this issue should use these links to add links to the resources section and customize this issue
- Customize the issue
    - [ ] Replace the keyword strings (including text and the brackets) below with the appropriate values by using the browser search (Mac: Command+F PC: Ctrl+F)
    - [ ] Search for `[Replace`
    - [ ] Replace with whatever the keyword or information is asking for.
- Customize the issue settings (located in right sidebar)
    - [ ] Under Labels, add labels for any labels identified as missing
    - [ ] Remove the corresponding missing labels
    - [ ] Under Projects, choose gear, choose "Repository," and choose TWE Project Management.
    - [ ] Add the milestone: [Replace MILESTONE]
    - [ ] Add a feature label specific to what the template is related to, if available. If not clear what you should use, ask product.
- Customize dependencies 
    - [ ] If no dependencies, delete dependency section
    - [ ] If dependencies, add the dependencies (any issue or reason that would prevent the action items from being completed)
- Remove this section.
    - [ ] Delete this section when all the checkboxes above are complete (i.e., the issue assignee will never see this part)

### Dependencies

### Overview
We need to [Replace ACTION VERB] [Replace DIRECT OBJECT] for [Replace REASON].

### Action Items

### Resources
#### Resources for creating this issue

#### Resources gathered during the completion of this issue

1.02 Front Matter Resources

1.02.01 Front Matter Fields and Meaning - name: (name that appear on the new issue tab) - about: (is the description that appears next to the issue template on the new issue tab) - title: (the title that appears when the issue is created. User then customizes this title for their issue) - Use the naming convention: TWE: Role: Direct object: Action verb - If more than one word should go into the direct object spot, use multiple square brackets with the keyword (see example) - labels: (choose the labels that will be the same each time, and choose missing labels for the ones that depend on content) - assignees:
1.02.02 Front Matter Field example - name: 'TWE: Template Issue: Research: Create Roadmap' - about: We are creating a template to complete `TWE: Role: Consent Documents for Participants Over 18: Create` issue so we can stay consistent in our process - title: 'TWE: Research: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF RESEARCH METHOD]: Roadmap : Create' - labels: 'feature: research', 'feature: roadmap', 'milestone: missing', 'role: UI/UX research', 'Participant Type: missing', 'Research 000: missing', 'complexity: missing' - 'size: 0.50pt' - assignees: ''

1.03 Example Action Items for Finding Wiki Page and Template

1.03.01 Example Action Items ``` ### Action Items - Customize wiki page - [ ] Go to link 1.01 Internship Wiki, Join the team page - [ ] Find wiki page for this issue by looking at role pages. - [ ] Copy the link for the wiki page. - [ ] Add the link to Resource 2.01 - [ ] Add the name of the link in square brackets - [ ] Add the URL in parenthesis without a space between the square bracket and parenthesis - Customize document template. - [ ] Go to link 1.02 Design Process Overview - [ ] Find document template that should be used in this issue. - [ ] Copy the link for the template. - [ ] Add the link to Resource 2.02 - [ ] Add the name of the link in square brackets - [ ] Add the URL in parenthesis without a space between the square bracket and parenthesis ```
1.03.02 Example Resource Lists ``` ### Resources for creating this issue 1.01. [Internship Wiki, Join the team page](https://github.com/hackforla/internship/wiki/Joining-the-Team) 1.02. [Design Process Overview](https://github.com/hackforla/internship/wiki/Design-Process-Overview) ### Resource links gathered during the making of this issue 2.01. [Wiki page for [Replace TYPE OF ROLE]] 2.02. [TWE: Template: [Replace NAME OF TEMPLATE]] ```

Resources gathered during the completion of this issue

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

Draft of template issue for uploading interview recordings

name: Research: Create upload form for interview recordings
about: The process to upload interview recordings to Internship's private drive after the interviews are done title: TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF INTERVIEW] Interview Recording Upload Form: Create labels: 'feature: recording transcription', 'feature: research', 'Participant Type: missing', 'Research 000: missing', 'size: 1pt', 'role: UI/UX research', 'milestone: missing', 'complexity: medium' assignees:

Instructions for creating this issue

The person who creates this issue should use links in the section "Resources for creating this issue" (i.e., 1.01, 1.02, etc.) to customize this issue.



We need to create a new form to upload the recordings made for RP[Replace 000].

Action Items

Customize Resource Links

Set up a folder for storing the recording uploads in Internship - PII's My Drive for data privacy compliance

Set up a temporary folder for receiving the RP[Replace 000]'s recording uploads in internship-ux@hackforla.org's My Drive

Make a Copy of the Google Form Template for RP[Replace 000] in Internship-ux@hackforla.org's My Drive

Customize the Recording Upload Google Form for RP[Replace 000]

Edit Response Destination

Rename the restored folder for receiving recording uploads in the TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF INTERVIEW] Interview Recording Uploads Temporary Folder

Update Research Plan Wiki Page


Resources for creating this issue

1.01 Wiki: Research Output Overview 1.02 Google Drive Folder: Research by Type 1.03 TWE Interview Recordings by Plan # This folder is only accessible from Internship - PII's "My Drive" 1.04 1password 1.04.01 Guide: Log into a Google Account with 2-Step Verification Using 1Password If this is your first time logging into Internship's private drive, please follow the instructions to log in. 1.05 Interview Recording Upload Form Template This template is only accessible using internship-ux@hackforla.org's Google account

Resources gathered during the completion of this issue

2.01 [Wiki: Research Plan [Replace 000]] 2.02 [Google Drive Folder: RP[Replace 000]] 2.03 [TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF INTERVIEW] Interview Roll Call and Session Table] 2.04 [TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF INTERVIEW] Interview Recordings] 2.05 [TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF INTERVIEW] Interview Recording Uploads Temporary Folder] 2.06 [TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF INTERVIEW] Interview Recording Upload Form] 2.07 [TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF INTERVIEW] Interview Recording Upload Form (Responses)] 2.08 [TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF INTERVIEW] Interview Recording Upload Form (File responses)]

pandanista commented 1 year ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty I've updated and tested the actions items in the Draft of template issue for uploading interview recordings in this comment.

Let me know if there is anything I missed for this issue template. Thank you!

cbutcher318 commented 1 year ago
pandanista commented 1 year ago

Just reviewed the comment and edit. Thank you!

I've updated that section with more clear instructions.

pandanista commented 1 year ago

Did another round of update on 1/30. All feedback has been incorporated and reflected in the latest template

cbutcher318 commented 1 year ago

Retested 1/31. Lots of edits were made. Request for @pandanista to insert a screenshot in the indicated place. Also, added a dependency. Since "Roll Call and Session Table" is listed as a resource, it must be completed beforehand.

pandanista commented 1 year ago

Awesome, thank you very much for testing again, @cbutcher318! I've added the screenshot.

I doubled checked all the edits, and I noticed a few things. Let me know your thoughts.

Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 5 30 21 PM

We need to delete the "Draft of template" part as well, don't we?

Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 5 30 56 PM

Haha, we have been playing tag on this section, and I believe the older version (in pink) makes more sense. Let's use year as an example. Once [Replace YY] is replaced by 22, the updated version (in green) reads "Replace 22 with research year (ie., "22" for 2022)". I think the older version, which says "Replace research year (ie., "22" for 2022) with 22" makes more sense.

Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 5 41 35 PM

Did you mean "Copy the link from Resources 2.04"?

Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 5 44 53 PM

Did you mean TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: [Replace TYPE OF PARTICIPANT] [Replace TYPE OF INTERVIEW] Interview Recordings instead of TWE: IS22: RP014: Mentor Exit Interview Recordings?

cbutcher318 commented 1 year ago

2023-02-08: @cbutcher318 Tested in #350 Some minor edits were made. Seems good to go.

pandanista commented 1 year ago

@priyatalwar This issue has been tested, but it might needs revisiting since template goes out of date super fast. I am moving this to prioritized backlog.

pandanista commented 11 months ago

@sunannie27 The template has passed the second testing, see #440. I've updated the template based on the latest feedback, and it is ready for product to test.

pandanista commented 7 months ago
pandanista commented 4 months ago
pandanista commented 2 months ago

This template is ready to be deployed. Let me know if there is anything else needs to be updated.

pandanista commented 3 weeks ago