hackforla / internship

The Internship project provides an opportunity for students to work on open source projects in the fields of software, product development, project management, and UI/UX research and design at LA’s fastest growing Civic Tech non-profit organization during their summer.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Epic: Pick SDGs for this project #502

Open ExperimentsInHonesty opened 8 months ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 8 months ago


We need to pick SDGs for the Tech Work Experience project, so that our SDG can appear on the hackforla.org website, and we can align our goals and measurements to globally recognized societal and economic targets.

Action Items



### Overview
We need to determine if this SDG is relevant to the TWE project, so that we can align research, planing and marketing to that goal.

### Action Items
- [ ] Go to Resource 1, choose the SDG indicated in the title of this issue
   - [ ] Add link to that page into Resource 2
- [ ] Review both targets and indicators to determine which SGS are applicable to the project.
- [ ] Copy all Targets and Indicators to a comment below
   - [ ] Add notes to identify approporate Targets/Indicators and describe how you propose to use the indicator to measure the programs progress
   - [ ] Add notes to the Targets/Indicators that you think are not a good fit and why.
- [ ] Review with product team
- [ ] Update spreadsheet in resource 3 with details product team agrees on
### Resources/Instructions
1. https://sdgs.un.org/goals
3. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mzlUg2l9-OfTlvI59wwpz9LzN1pAWUfXIYXDmSO_vq8/edit#gid=0


priyatalwar commented 8 months ago

Wiki suggestion: We should have it on the overview. Perhaps the overview should include the mission from our brandbook and tie it to HfLA's values