hackforla / internship

The Internship project provides an opportunity for students to work on open source projects in the fields of software, product development, project management, and UI/UX research and design at LA’s fastest growing Civic Tech non-profit organization during their summer.
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Is SDG 9 relevant to TWE #517

Closed pandanista closed 5 months ago

pandanista commented 5 months ago


We need to determine if this SDG is relevant to the TWE project, so that we can align research, planing and marketing to that goal.

Action Items


  1. https://sdgs.un.org/goals
  2. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal8
  3. SDG Target and Indicator Spreadsheet
pandanista commented 5 months ago

Not Applicable

Infrastructure is not related to TWE program unless there are specific interns working on infrastructure related projects and issues.

Manufacturing value and employment are not measured in our TWE program, so 9.2 is not applicable.

We are building anything to increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises to financial services.

TWE program doesn't measure emission related goals at the moment

The number of research and development workers and spending is relevant to TWE program as it provides an opportunity to train workforce in the STEM field (SDG 9.5.1 and 9.5.2).

9.a is beyond our scope.

Not sure if it is possible to measure medium and high-tech industry value added and total value added just based on Hack for LA or the TWE program.

Since TWE is remote friendly, so 9.c is relevant to TWE.

pandanista commented 5 months ago

We have reviewed SDG 9, and we have determined there are no relevant goals for TWE, so there is no need to include anything in the spreadsheet. Closing this issue.