hackforla / internship

The Internship project provides an opportunity for students to work on open source projects in the fields of software, product development, project management, and UI/UX research and design at LA’s fastest growing Civic Tech non-profit organization during their summer.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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TWE: Project Board Migration #597

Open KC-skc opened 3 weeks ago

KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago


We need to prepare the Project Boards for the forced migration that GitHub is doing in August, so that it is already working well for the team by then.

Action Items


Classic Project board URL: https://github.com/hackforla/internship/projects/1 New Project board URL: https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/64/

KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago

Text from project board card

Start Here = Includes things like meeting times and zoom links, and anything the team members need to read.
KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago

Text from project board card

All Team Meeting Times | [Agendas](https://github.com/hackforla/internship/projects/1?card_filter_query=agenda)

Thursday: 10 am - 11 am PT

PM meetings

Monday: 10 am - 11 am PT

Wednesday: 10 am - 11 am PT

Thursday: 9:30 am - 10 am PT
KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago

Text from project board card

#### Understand the Project
- [Internship Wiki](https://github.com/hackforla/internship/wiki)
- [One sheet - WIP](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vovX2o0qiw4z9BUrH1Wb5RL9AzaveguQ1KMZ27nj11w/edit)

#### Team Links
- [Google Shared Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z3I2SLQzYWBHIypNZO-sTdSO0A8c5pvt?usp=sharing)
- [Internship AMA FAQ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/138TuoRoHN9S3IhbklFjge9QO4hBV2-eKGR0yR7CttzY/edit)
- [Intern Onboarding Deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1w9086NcRYTGQeTjbp6F0F2YDVSSVDkCiPDkCYxuOloE/edit#slide=id.gd0de62c6b7_1_0)
- [Linkedin Workshop Deck - WIP](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qEnWq4rPxZm0ZtEsa1T0HoNpjuLxvJU2SlweiLYugwo/edit#slide=id.ge1b9cfd85e_1_138)
- [Roll Call/Hours/Onboarding status](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11KC6P07dr_DEIq5lGZ_vqyakq-rfOEBSTqqduFLiVbs/edit)

#### Useful Hack for LA docs
- [Kanban Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ghc75Gio-Hfs_rpdSozOMmmdpdzFbze5ElLTvbrIS1U/edit#heading=h.nl3p4nf4eqb4)
KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago

Text from project board card

#### Recommended Books
[Outliers by Malcom Gladwell](https://www.amazon.com/Outliers-Story-Success-Malcolm-Gladwell/dp/0316017930) premise of book is 10,000 hours makes you competent at something
KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago

Text from project board card

Icebox = issues identified that are going to get addressed, but are not being started yet because of other more pressing issues.  Or issues that are not fully developed.
KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago

Text from project board card

New Issue Approval = When you create a new issue, please add it here so that it can be reviewed for completeness before its moved to the icebox or prioritized backlog. 🙏
KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago

Text from project board card

Prioritized Backlog = features that are ready to work and a priority.  This column should be prioritized by most important first.
KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago

Text from project board card

In Progress = tasks that are actively being worked on by an individual team member and have been assigned to them in the issue.
KC-skc commented 3 weeks ago

Text from project board card

Questions/Review = Issues that you are blocked on because you need an answer from another team member or other type of question/review for our team meeting.
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 weeks ago

We need to update any pages that have links to the old board on them. Start here https://github.com/hackforla/internship/wiki/Joining-the-Team

KC-skc commented 2 weeks ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty I've reviewed the wiki manually and didn't see too many references other than the page you linked above. Is there any other way to make sure?

Also, in doing a review, I found a few pages in the wiki that requested permissions (which I should have access already but still asking for permission?) and some pages that were broken/deleted. What's the best way to address these?

Example 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tYJVRJHQ9juQC3bNMtwqt6Z8y1BYLfrtp6ejZI9TCF4/edit Image

Example 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11Fe7mNdmPBP5bD_yLJ1C0_I1TmoK47AuHHrdhdDyWCs/edit#heading=h.nl3p4nf4eqb4 Image