hackforla / internship

The Internship project provides an opportunity for students to work on open source projects in the fields of software, product development, project management, and UI/UX research and design at LA’s fastest growing Civic Tech non-profit organization during their summer.
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`[TEST]` TWE: IS24: RP025: Research Roadmap: Update/Create #606

Open jinyan0425 opened 2 months ago

jinyan0425 commented 2 months ago

Research Roadmap Update/Creation Template

name: TWE: Template Issue: Research: Create or Update Research Roadmap Details about: This issue helps you structure your template issue to be consistent with our other template issues in research roadmap creation or updates title: TWE: Research: RP025: Other Research Roadmap: Create/Update labels: 'feature: research', 'feature: research roadmap', 'Participant Type: missing', 'Research 000: missing', 'size: 1pt', 'role: UI/UX research', 'milestone: missing', 'complexity: medium' assignees: ' '



We need to update the details of the Other Research Roadmap for RP025 so that the high level overview captures why we are doing all the research plans with this user group.

During these tasks you will be asked to add link to the Resources/Instructions section, and that section is at the bottom of this issue (go view it now).

Action Items

Customize Resource Links

Check & Fix Research Roadmap Document Formatting

Update and/or create research roadmap details for Other and RP025

Next steps

Resources/ Instructions

Resources for creating this issue

1.01 Wiki: Research Output Overview 1.02 Google Drive Folder: Research by Participant Type 1.03 TWE: Template: Research Roadmap 1.04 TWE: Research Roadmap: Interns 1.04.01 Individual Research Plan Roadmap Example: RP001 1.04.02 Individual Research Plan Roadmap Example: RP006

Resources gathered during the completion of this issue

2.01 Wiki Other Research Overview Page 2.02 RP025 Wiki Page 2.03 Other Google Drive Folder 2.04 TWE: Research Roadmap: Other

Report Template - Roadmap Overview

- [ ] Background
- [ ] Other Research Goals and Objectives
- [ ] Participants
- [ ] Research Framework and Methodologies
- [ ] Resources
- [ ] Notes

Report Template - Research Plan (each RP in the roadmap should be in the same structure and format)

- [ ] RP025: Negative Research Experiences Survey
   - [ ] Goals
   - [ ] Requirements
   - [ ] Timelines
   - [ ] Delivery
   - [ ] Follow-up Options
   - [ ] Research Analysis 
jinyan0425 commented 2 months ago


Hi Ying, I will comment on the Research Roadmap Update/Creation Template in this comment. It is developing.

  1. [MINOR] We may change the label feature: research roadmap to feature: roadmap to match the actual label.

  2. [MINOR] The action item below is easy for experienced HfLA researchers to follow. But new researchers may feel difficult to locate the specific RP folder on the Research Output Overview page. Shall we add one more step such as Choose 'Research Plans, sorted by number'

    • [ ] Choose the appropriate research roadmap or research plan folder (ie., RP###) on the wiki page
  3. [MAJOR] Does the action below mean to remove [TEST] in the title?

    • Update the issue title
      • [ ] Copy
        TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: Research Roadmap: Update/Create
  4. [MINOR] Due to migration, Project Management no longer exists in the Repository. Instead, it is TWE: Project Board.

  • [ ] Under Projects, choose gear Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 10 50 11 AM, choose Repository, and choose Program Management
  1. [MINOR] The action item below: Above "Dependencies" or "Overview"?

    • [ ] After all the checkboxes above are complete and the issue is ready to be worked on, delete all text below the "Instructions for Creating this Issue" (top heading) and above "Overview" (heading below) -- i.e., the issue assignee will never see this part
  2. [MAJOR] For the section Dependencies: 1) Shall the assignee tick the two action items after replacing the links? 2) Shall the assignee remove the instruction texts, such as "If there is an existing roadmap issue for Other, Use this URL to search the issue tab for potential results", and 3) What if the requested issues and links have not been created? There are no instructions for this scenario.

  3. [EPIC] I need more information to draft the overview sections for Other research roadmap because Resource # 2.01 Wiki Other Research Overview Page provides little information. Or this instruction means that I should read through all RPs for Other and then summarize?

    • [ ] Fill out the overview sections of Other research roadmap based on the information you gathered
  4. [EPIC] Similar for drafting the details for the RP025's research roadmap. I can draft the research summary based on Resource # 2.02 RP025 Wiki Page but the information for timeline, delivery, and requirements are limited.

    • [ ] Fill out the research roadmap for RP025 based on the information you gathered
  5. [MINOR] Resource # 1.04 TWE: Research Roadmap: Interns lacks the sub-title (level 1 heading): Individual Research Plans

pandanista commented 1 month ago


Hi Ying, I will comment on the Research Roadmap Update/Creation Template in this comment. It is developing.

  1. [MINOR] We may change the label feature: research roadmap to feature: roadmap to match the actual label.

    • Good catch. We should update using feature: roadmap since we don't have feature: research roadmap, but let's check in with product to make sure the feature: roadmap label is intended for research roadmaps.
  2. [MINOR] The action item below is easy for experienced HfLA researchers to follow. But new researchers may feel difficult to locate the specific RP folder on the Research Output Overview page. Shall we add one more step such as Choose 'Research Plans, sorted by number'

  • [ ] Choose the appropriate research roadmap or research plan folder (ie., RP###) on the wiki page
  1. [MAJOR] Does the action below mean to remove [TEST] in the title?
  • Update the issue title
    • [ ] Copy TWE: IS[Replace YY]: RP[Replace 000]: Research Roadmap: Update/Create
  • Not in this case since we are testing the template.
  • When the template is deployed, then the [test] won't be needed. That's why it didn't have [test] in the template.
  1. [MINOR] Due to migration, Project Management no longer exists in the Repository. Instead, it is TWE: Project Board.
  • [ ] Under Projects, choose gear Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 10 50 11 AM, choose Repository, and choose Program Management
  1. [MINOR] The action item below: Above "Dependencies" or "Overview"?
  • [ ] After all the checkboxes above are complete and the issue is ready to be worked on, delete all text below the "Instructions for Creating this Issue" (top heading) and above "Overview" (heading below) -- i.e., the issue assignee will never see this part
  • It should be "Dependencies". Edited in the template.
  1. [MAJOR] For the section Dependencies:

    1. Shall the assignee tick the two action items after replacing the links?
    2. Shall the assignee remove the instruction texts, such as "If there is an existing roadmap issue for Other, Use this URL to search the issue tab for potential results", and
    3. What if the requested issues and links have not been created? There are no instructions for this scenario.
        1. Either the assignee or the person who assigns the issue should tick the two action items.
        1. Ideally yes after the issue links are included in the Dependencies. For example, they can add the issue number where it says [REPLACE WITH RESEARCH ROADMAP ISSUE #], and they can remove the instruction texts. However, if the instruction texts are not removed, that is okay since it doesn't affect the process or the results.
        1. If the requested issues and links have not been created, then it means at least one action item has not been ticked, which indicates it is the blocker. In that case, a new issue to tackle the dependency needs to be created, and this issue needs to be put into the icebox.
      • If there are better ways to phrase the process, please do share.
  2. [EPIC] I need more information to draft the overview sections for Other research roadmap because Resource # 2.01 Wiki Other Research Overview Page provides little information. Or this instruction means that I should read through all RPs for Other and then summarize?

  • [ ] Fill out the overview sections of Other research roadmap based on the information you gathered
  • I hear you, and we can discuss it more on the overview section of Other research roadmap. For now, we are just setting up the structure so Sandy could fill out the information on RP025.
  1. [EPIC] Similar for drafting the details for the RP025's research roadmap. I can draft the research summary based on Resource # 2.02 RP025 Wiki Page but the information for timeline, delivery, and requirements are limited.
  • [ ] Fill out the research roadmap for RP025 based on the information you gathered
  • That is also for Sandy. :)
  1. [MINOR] Resource # 1.04 TWE: Research Roadmap: Interns lacks the sub-title (level 1 heading): Individual Research Plans
pandanista commented 1 month ago

@doctorsandy Hi Sandy, the RP025's research roadmap issue has been created and edited, so it is now ready for you to fill out the research roadmap info.

Thank you, and let me know if you have any questions.

jinyan0425 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi All, @pandanista @doctorsandy @bonniewolfe:

I summarized Sandy's inputs for the RP025 roadmap to be more concise and aligned with the other RP roadmaps. All of my inputs are in green (suggesting mode). Sandy (@doctorsandy), could you please review it and let me know if any updates are needed. Please do not delete what you've written as they will be used in developing the research plan.**

I wasn't able to complete the section because roadmaps for other RPs under "Other Research" (e.g., RP003, RP004, RP005, RP021) have not been created yet. The wiki page for "Other Research" also lacks information I can reference. I assume this section is supposed to summarize general information for all "Other Research" plans, not just RP025. @pandanista @bonniewolfe

  • [ ] Fill out the overview sections of Other research roadmap based on the information you gathered
    • [ ] Background
    • [ ] Other Research Goals and Objectives
    • [ ] Participants
    • [ ] Research Framework and Methodologies

Additionally, I have created the new issue for creating the research plan:

Thank you all!

pandanista commented 1 week ago

@sunannie27 and @KC-skc: