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Create a Guide/Template: Running a Usabilityhub.com survey for your project #108

Open sayalikotkar opened 3 years ago

sayalikotkar commented 3 years ago


We need to create a guide to making a survey using Usability Hub so that project teams can leverage the surveys to get opinions/feedback on any subject from Hack for LA community members.

Action Items

The phases in the guide-making process are listed below. Each phase displayed in blue is linked to a wiki page with instructions on how to complete that phase. Open the wiki page in a new tab, copy the instructions for each part into the section labeled 'Tasks' at the bottom of this issue, and complete each task listed.

Projects to Check


ruchimahajan78 commented 3 years ago

Added a draft for review on Product Management- Templates


ruchimahajan78 commented 3 years ago

Not able to find examples on how other projects have done.

ruchimahajan78 commented 3 years ago

Ready for review https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oyLlRRNRk2TXgGkSg4SL2ksnYMpioHjsRhlKhVxUMkI/edit#slide=id.gdd27e3cd56_0_33

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@ruchimahajan78 It looks like some of the assets (videos) are not in the same folder as the document, so I can't actually view them. Please make sure you move those assets to the folder in the shared drive: product management>templates

fchan218 commented 1 month ago
Prior version of issue

### Overview We need to create a guide to making a survey using Usability Hub so that project teams can leverage the surveys to get opinions/feedback on any subject from Hack for LA community members. ### Action Items - [x] Gather examples of how other projects have done, adding each example as a link in the resources section - [ ] Once done, remove the "TG: Gather Examples" label and add the "TG: Draft Template" label - [x] Create a draft template, either in markdown format in this issue or a google doc in the ~[old product management google drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lO8k_0Z1UejkuRlNMYlUl2xlqgyBmvrF?usp=sharing)~ [new product management google drive>Product Management Guides](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u9YOTWevHwEiHP8-r8d00rlqOn6q8e-5?usp=sharing) - [ ] Once done, remove the "TG: Draft Template" label and add the "TG: Create Guide" label - [x] Create a guide on how to use the template - [ ] Once done, remove the "TG: Create Guide" label and add the "TG: Review Guide" label - [x] Review the guide with product management communities of practice - [ ] Once done, remove the "TG: Review Guide" label and add the "TG: Leadership Review" label - [ ] Present to Hack for LA leadership team for sign off - [ ] Once approved, remove the "TG: Leadership Review" label and add the "TG: Place Guide" label - [ ] Possibly create an issue template on .github - [ ] Include link to template under resources if you add it as a template in .github ### Resources Update issue hackforla/knowledgebase-content#104 with the name of item you are working [Usability Hub](https://usabilityhub.com/) [Reference video on 'How to select a name for your project using Usability Hub surveys'](https://www.loom.com/share/75d6144b5f1941df819f3b77161525ef) [Reference survey - GreenEarthOS team's survey to select a project name](https://app.usabilityhub.com/do/7f3130a93539/b79b) [Guide Draft](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oyLlRRNRk2TXgGkSg4SL2ksnYMpioHjsRhlKhVxUMkI/edit) [Guide Docs](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oyLlRRNRk2TXgGkSg4SL2ksnYMpioHjsRhlKhVxUMkI/edit#slide=id.gdd27e3cd56_0_33)

fchan218 commented 1 month ago
Assignee, Labels, Project Board Placement, and Milestones for this issue in the Product Repo:

Screenshot 2024-10-26 at 1 46 33 PM

fchan218 commented 1 month ago

Files in this issue:

fchan218 commented 1 month ago

@ruchimahajan78 This guide issue is moving to the knowledgebase-content repo. If you would like to maintain edit access to the issue and its associated files, please fill out the Google Drive Access Form.