hackforla / lucky-parking

Visualization of parking data to assist in understanding of the effects of parking policies on a neighborhood by neighborhood basis in the City of Los Angeles
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Loading Screen #616

Closed mklmrgn closed 7 months ago

mklmrgn commented 8 months ago


UX/UI to create loading screen feature

Action Items

Additional Information

You can demo the prototype and use the "loading screen" flow to see how it works! https://www.figma.com/proto/R3N7mvDtlFbFgQm4OXcMih/Lucky-Parking?page-id=731%3A243&type=design&node-id=6478-39941&viewport=438%2C-445%2C0.05&t=zMvTCeFGnkh5cGNl-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=6478%3A39920&show-proto-sidebar=1&mode=design

Screen Shot 2024-02-05 at 6 01 55 PM
glenflorendo commented 7 months ago

@mklmrgn It looks great! Thanks for the prototype.

@dannycpham This is technically feasible. Anything to note as product before we allocate resources to this ticket?

dannycpham commented 7 months ago

@glenflorendo This seems fine to implement. My one concern is mobile. Are we trying to implement this just for Desktop side for now and figure out the responsive nature of it for mobile later? I can see potential scaling issues in the future for mobile and other small screen sizes.

glenflorendo commented 7 months ago

@glenflorendo This seems fine to implement. My one concern is mobile. Are we trying to implement this just for Desktop side for now and figure out the responsive nature of it for mobile later? I can see potential scaling issues in the future for mobile and other small screen sizes.

Desktop for now. We'll do mobile responsive as a priority after or right before launch.

glenflorendo commented 7 months ago

With design and product sign-off, this is ready for development. Engineering will take over this ticket now.