hackforla / marketing

This repo is for same posts and guides on how to market your project. It will be populated by all projects. Contribute something today!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Org & Project Videos: Outreach to PMs #54

Open chiusano opened 2 years ago

chiusano commented 2 years ago


HFLA Org leaders need videos to tell our story in order to do fundraising, attract mentors, job opportunities for our members. Hack for LA Product Managers need videos to tell their story in order to do fundraising, attract members and mentors, and find an audience for their product.

Action Items


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Message bonnie posted in Hackforla website channel hfla-site and youth justice nav youth-justice-nav

Hack for LA needs you!! :female_superhero::skin-tone-4: :male_superhero::skin-tone-3:We are putting together a Hack for LA video :movie_camera: to share with people what It's like being a volunteer :zap: and what your project addresses :bento::chart_with_upwards_trend::judge::gear::ballot_box_with_ballot::deciduous_tree::auto_rickshaw::receipt::art::house::parking::pencil2::rainbow-flag::safety_vest::heart::train2:, etc. at Hack for LA. Find out more

Bonus points :first_place_medal:!!! if you can identify (from the above) which emoji we picked for your project (add that as comment in the thread on this post
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Project we should post to

==== wait until others are done Heart - hold Hellogov - Kate Public Tree Map - Emily Railstats - Cameron