hackforla / ops

A repository for the OPS Community of Practice
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2024 DevOps Community of Practice Agendas #100

Open chelseybeck opened 5 months ago

chelseybeck commented 5 months ago


This issue tracks meeting agendas and summaries for the OPS COP meetings.

Template for agenda

## 2024-MM-DD
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- [ ] Welcome!
  - [ ] Intros (if new members)
- [ ] Project support
- [ ] Discussion
- [ ] DevOps Project Board
  - [ ] [Questions](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/73/views/1?filterQuery=status%3A%22Questions%2FReview%22)
  - [ ] [New Issue Review](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/73/views/1?filterQuery=status%3A%22New+Issue+Review%22) + Updates
- [ ] DevOps Security 
  - [ ] [PR Review](https://github.com/hackforla/devops-security/pulls)
  - [ ] [Questions](https://github.com/hackforla/devops-security/projects/1#column-19822962)
  - [ ] [New Issue Review](https://github.com/hackforla/devops-security/projects/1#column-19822959) + Updates
- [ ] Incubator
  - [ ] [Questions](https://github.com/hackforla/incubator/projects/1#column-19648744)
  - [ ] [PR Review](https://github.com/hackforla/incubator/pulls)
  - [ ] [New Issue Review](https://github.com/hackforla/incubator/projects/1#column-19648741) + Updates
### Resources

#### Notes for the project support section of the meeting
_If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here_

#### Notes from meeting

#### Action Items  (New Task Items)

Agenda Quick-Links

29 May 22 May 15 May 10 April 27 March 13 March 28 Feb 21 Feb 14 Feb 31 Jan 24 Jan 17 Jan 10 Jan

2022/2023 Agendas

Status for the new year

chelseybeck commented 5 months ago

10 January

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Notes from meeting

Task Items

IAM Groups & Policies

chelseybeck commented 5 months ago

17 January

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Notes from meeting

Task Items

chelseybeck commented 5 months ago

24 January

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Timezones listed as PDT


IAM Groups & Policies Notes

Notes from meeting

Task Items

chelseybeck commented 5 months ago

31 January

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Timezones listed as PDT


IAM Groups & Policies Notes

Notes for the project support section of the meeting

Notes from meeting

chelseybeck commented 5 months ago

14 February

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Timezones listed as PDT


IAM Groups & Policies Notes

Notes for the project support section of the meeting

chelseybeck commented 4 months ago

21 February

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Times listed as PDT


IAM Groups & Policies Notes

Notes for the project support section of the meeting

Task Items

chelseybeck commented 4 months ago

28 February

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Times listed as PDT


IAM Groups & Policies Notes

Notes for the project support section of the meeting

chelseybeck commented 4 months ago

13 March

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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here

Notes from meeting

chelseybeck commented 3 months ago

20 March

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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here

Notes from meeting

PR Review Incubator: Merged new Contributing.MD file. Discovered that PRs are failing because of AWS authentication. Task item to investigate the Github Action. Issues assigned for Terraform docs

Civic Tech Jobs code needs refactoring into Terraform. Project lead gave the go-ahead to tear down Terragrunt and rebuild with Terraform.

Task Items

chelseybeck commented 3 months ago

27 March

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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here HomeUniteUs is testing incubator by forking, and using personal AWS account because that approach is the recommended approach for now to test infrastructures as a developer. @paulespinosa will come back to the ops team when more questions arise.

Notes from meeting

DevOps security 2 PRs merged: contributing.md file and hackforla/ops#20 issue templates


Added dependency to

Q&A Q: Do we have a diagram or some documentation that goes more into the idea of what Incubator is? Current understanding—all projects are going into the incubator account with their structure. A: It’s for seeding projects. Because resources were becoming so expensive, we were moving everything to spend less using shared resources. Once projects are self-sustaining and in production, we move it into its own AWS account. That’s not best practice. Q: Cost control was mentioned. Isn’t that something that can be managed using organizations? A: No, we have an AWS organization. The challenge is that there’s a base cost for the organization itself and then each organizationunder it, every service tha you need, you have a base cost for that, even if you don’t use it at all. So that meant projects had a base cost of between $50 and $100 even if it had no traffic. There was no way to make it 0 if your project wasn’t live. Q: Current expectation when we’re working on MVP is that we’re going to package our API into a Docker container and deploy that ECS. Is that the mandatory requirements for a project, or are we going to be able to design EC2 instances and deploy those on our own? How much design freedom in the infrastructure you deploy? A: Complete design freedom, but instead of creating them manually, you configure them in the terraform configuration. We have some that there are already modules, but can add and it’s super easy to do. Just have to put in a PR to merge and apply. The added benefit is easier management by standardizing the platforms. Platforms that have less expertise benefit from those that have more expertise. DevOps is where to come if it’s not working for you.

Action Items

chelseybeck commented 2 months ago

10 April

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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here

Civic Tech Jobs is responsible for building out a skills matrix for volunteers at HfLA which will be used in future volunteer opportunities. We need help from DevOps in adding and classifying skills.

Notes from meeting

Action Items

chelseybeck commented 2 months ago

17 April

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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here Notes from today's meeting:

Action Items

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 months ago

Notes from today's meeting:

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 months ago


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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here CivicTechJobs - Wondering what the status was of this issue ? https://github.com/hackforla/incubator/issues/65

Notes from meeting

Action Items (New Task Items)

abbyz123 commented 2 months ago

Notes for today's meeting

freaky4wrld commented 2 months ago


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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here

Notes from meeting

Action Items (New Task Items)

COP lead needs to rewrite the following:

chelseybeck commented 1 month ago


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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here

Notes from meeting

Action Items (New Task Items)

chelseybeck commented 1 month ago


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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here

Notes from meeting

Action Items (New Task Items)

chelseybeck commented 1 month ago


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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here

Notes from meeting

Action Items (New Task Items)

chelseybeck commented 2 weeks ago


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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here

Notes from meeting

Action Items (New Task Items)

chelseybeck commented 1 week ago


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Notes for the project support section of the meeting

If you are from a project and need DevOps support, please add notes here

Notes from meeting

Action Items (New Task Items)

Create Issues: