hackforla / peopledepot

A project to setup a datastore for people and projects at HackforLA. The link below takes you to the code documentation
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Create Table: User #15

Closed ExperimentsInHonesty closed 1 year ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago


We need to create the User table so that we can automate user permissions and accounts creation


A table and a model are the same thing

Action Items


Items to document (referenced above)


Data Fields

  1. Copied from spreadsheet and checked off according to ERD. Data fields are bolded and relation fields are not.

    • [x] id
    • [x] name_first
    • [x] name_last
    • [x] gmail
    • [x] preferred_email
    • [x] created
    • [x] user_status_id (FK)
    • [x] practice_area_current
    • [x] job_title_current
    • [x] practice_area_target
    • [x] job_title_target
    • [x] desired_roles
    • [ ] availability - this has been converted into a related table user_availability
    • [x] current_skills
    • [x] target_skills
    • [x] linkedin_account
    • [x] referred_by (FK)
    • [x] github_handle
    • [x] phone
    • [x] texting_ok
    • [x] slack_id
    • [x] time_zone
    • [ ] conduct - 8/10 meeting: Nicole informed that this was converted to the more generic user_check record
    • [x] updated
    • [x] password - this is not used with Cognito authentication
  2. In ERD only - none

  3. Combined table

name Data Rela. in ERD in sheet notes
id x x x PK
name_first x x x
name_last x x x
gmail x x x
preferred_email x x x
created x x x
job_title_current x x x
availability x x this has been converted into a related table user_availability
current_skills x x x
target_skills x x x
linkedin_account x x x
github_handle x x x
phone x x x
texting_ok x x x
slack_id x x x
time_zone x x x
conduct x x 8/10 meeting: Nicole informed that this was converted to the more generic user_check record
updated x x x
password x x x this is not used with Cognito authentication
user_status_id x x x FK
practice_area_current x x x
practice_area_target x x x
desired_roles x x x
referred_by x x x FK

Associated Tables

  1. Copied from spreadsheet and checked off according to ERD

    • [x] cancelled_event (one-to-many)
    • [x] check_in (one-to-many)
    • [x] permission (one-to-many)
    • [x] permission_history (one-to-many)
    • [x] user_availability (one-to-many)
    • [x] user_check (one-to-many)
    • [x] user_employment_change (one-to-many)
    • [x] win (one-to-many)
    • [x] user_status_type (many-to-one)
    • [ ] project (array of IDs) - this has been converted to a sort of junction table called permission in the ERD
  2. In ERD only

    • [x] practice_area (many-to-many)
    • [x] referrer (many-to-one)

Swagger Endpoint Link


fyliu commented 2 years ago

It would be nice if all data fields have

  1. default values
  2. if it can be empty or not
  3. varchar size
  4. uniqueness constraint

I read that using UUID for primary key is the best thing to do and doesn't impact performance if we're using postgres

I see array fields that represent a list of PK of other models. Should they be made into model relations like one-to many?

fyliu commented 2 years ago

From today's meeting I think we settled on these

  1. Use UUID as model index to simplify things.
  2. The int array fields represent many-to-many relationships that I just didn't recognize before.
  3. varchar size could be something like 50 for gmail, for example, or maybe 255, which is a common value.
  4. Ask Nicole and Bonnie about nullable fields, uniqueness constraints, and default values for the fields.
fyliu commented 2 years ago

I've neglected this for a while but I'm much more confident now, having read through a few more books on django and drf.

I recently worked on

  1. creating the API
  2. limiting viewable fields for the API
  3. setting up API docs using drf-spectacular
  4. generating ER diagrams from django models

I expect to have this complete in the next week.

Things that need to be done

Things for the future

fyliu commented 2 years ago

Just a note in case anyone really wants to try fixing this. It doesn't affect the application at all except the swagger doc shows time_zone as string type instead of timezone.

I'm using this timezone field extension and drf-spectacular (generates swagger docs) is not able to recognize it correctly. https://github.com/mfogel/django-timezone-field

There's documentation on how to customize it but I don't think we want to do that at this point. https://drf-spectacular.readthedocs.io/en/latest/customization.html

fyliu commented 2 years ago

Need to review the description